Theoretical Study of the Interaction of a Tuber with the Spiral of Potato Cleaner

Volodymyr Bulhakov, Zinovii Ruzhylo, Mykhaylo Chernovol, Mykola Sviren

About the Authors

Volodymyr Bulhakov, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Zinovii Ruzhylo, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Mykhaylo Chernovol, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Mykola Sviren, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


Cleaning of potatoes from soil and plant residues is the most important element in their production, as the purity of the tubers, the absence of damage and the high performance of the harvest itself largely determine the efficiency of the entire industry. The creation of new cleaners of potato residues that are less metal-intensive, efficient and high-performing allows solving this problem successfully. A new design of the spiral-type residue cleaner has been developed. It improves the performance of potato harvesting machines preventing operating elements from sticking with wet soil (by installing spirals with mutual overlapping). The separation intensity is achieved by eccentric installation of spirals. A mathematical model of the movement of a tuber along the cleaning surface formed by two spirals is developed in order to substantiate the optimal kinematics and design parameters of a new spiral-type potato cleaner. On the basis of computer-calculated analytical expressions, graphical dependences between the parameters of the considered process of movement of a tuber between two adjacent spirals were constructed. That allowed identifying the optimal design and kinematics parameters of the spiral separator. While analyzing the kinematics of movement of a tuber along the surface of the spiral-type cleaner under conditions of contact of the tuber at two points to one spiral and at one point to another, we established that as the angular velocity of the spiral rotation increases, the transporting capacity of the operating element also increases, and the separation capacity is somewhat reduced.


potato, harvesting, cleaning from residues, movement, mathematical model, computer calculations

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    Copyright (c) 2019 Volodymyr Bulhakov, Zinovii Ruzhylo, Mykhaylo Chernovol, Mykola Sviren