Strategic Direction of Organic Fertilizer Production

Ivan Lezhenkin

About the Authors

Ivan Lezhenkin, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Taurian State Agrotechnological University, Melitopol, Ukraine, e-mail:


The most important condition for maintaining the biosphere, normal growth cover and agricultural productivity is the constant care of soil care and protection, its structure and properties, and the introduction of a system of measures to improve yields. The intensification of agricultural production had led to unfavourable changes in the fertility of Ukraine's soil. Thus, the restoration of fertility through the use of energy-saving technologies based on the use of organic fertilizers and various natural materials is a state-level task. The article analyzes livestock in agricultural enterprises of all categories: cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, rabbits, and all birds during 1999-2017. The analysis suggests that the livestock population is gradually decreasing, but the number of birds has almost doubled in the given time. It is established that the real potential of obtaining high quality organic fertilizers in Ukraine with an annual output of manure and manure up to 100 million tons can be 50… 60 million tons. In this case, the manure will leave the category of pollutants, moving to the category of raw materials for the production of organic fertilizers based on compost., Which will allow to maintain or increase soil fertility. To solve this problem organically, it is necessary to apply a comprehensive approach from the state. Strategic establishes the long-term direction of any enterprise, and in this case, when receiving organic fertilizers. It should be aimed at harmonizing the socio-economic development of the agricultural population and the basic preservation of the environment for future generations. And here the role of technology in obtaining organic fertilizers, environmental safety, increasing yields increases significantly. The quantity of cattle manure as raw material for the production of organic fertilizers needed to compensate for humus losses has decreased by 7 times compared to 1991 in Ukraine and amounts to 40-50 million tonnes. Pig manure and poultry are 20-25 million tonnes. With the stable restoration of soil fertility, the production and use of organic fertilizers by traditional raw materials technology is not enough to cover humus losses. Modern processing technologies reduce nutrient loss and fertilizer efficiency. Perspective directions - processing of the poultry enterprises' litter and production of organo-mineral fertilizers on its basis.


environmental safety, biosphere, technology, organic fertilizers, strategy

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Copyright (c) 2019 Ivan Lezhenkin