Experimental Studies Of The Specific Load Distribution Of The Mixture Over The Area Of The Inclined Tray

Mykhailo Piven

About the Authors

Mykhailo Piven, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Kharkiv Petro Vasilenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9487-1450


The regularities of specific loading distribution of loose mixture on the area of a working surface of the inclined tray are established in the work. The studies were performed on the experimental setup consisting of a storage hopper and inclined flat trays of different lengths. The material of the study was a grain mixture of winter wheat variety "Myronivska 30". The magnitude of the load was determined using a receiving device, which allowed to obtain the specific load distribution on the width and length of the tray and over time. The specific loading of the tray is uneven in the area of the working surface: the central section is overloaded, and the wall is underloaded. The largest deviations of the specific load at the inlet of the tray, but with length they decrease, approaching a uniform distribution. The specific load profile across the width of the tray is asymmetric and has a local extremum. As the tray length increases, at the certain initial speed and angle, the specific load decreases and the mixture flow slows down. With a constant supply of material from the hopper, there is a gradual accumulation of the mixture in the tray, compaction and growth of the layer, which leads to complete cessation of flow. Uneven loading of the tray occurs due to uneven supply of material from the storage hopper, in which the movement begins. The initial feed varies across the width of the tray and over time, and the nature of the specific load profile formed at the entrance to the tray is preserved for almost its entire length. The movement of the mixture flow in the inclined tray is non-stationary, the specific load varies significantly over the entire surface area and largely depends on the initial conditions of movement. The obtained regularities of specific loading on the working surface area of the tray can be used in the calculation of the modes of loose mixtures movement and substantiation of the equipment parameters for loading the working bodies of machines.


tray, loose mixture, specific surface load, uneven mixture feeding

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Copyright (c) 2020 Mykhailo Piven