Mathematical Modeling of the Process of Operation of the Drying Chamber of a Tower Grain Dryer With a Suction Air Flow

Viktor Shvidia, Serhii Stepanenko

About the Authors

Viktor Shvidia, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), National Scientific Center “Institute of Agricultural Mechanization and Electrification”, Glevakha, Ukraine, е-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8113-2173

Serhii Stepanenko, Senior Researcher, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), National Scientific Center “Institute of Agricultural Mechanization and Electrification”, Glevakha, Ukraine, е-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8331-4632


In the article, a drying scheme in a tower grain dryer has been developed, equations for the conservation of energy and material balance for grain, equations for mass transfer and heat transfer between the drying agent and grain have been drawn up. On their basis, analytical dependences of changes in the temperature and moisture content of grain, moisture content and temperature of the drying agent along and in the width of the drying channel were obtained, depending on the operating parameters (the value of rarefaction in the drying channel, the speed of grain movement along the drying channel, the speed of movement of the drying agent, the initial temperatures of the grain and drying agent, initial moisture content of grain, as well as initial moisture content of drying agent). Their analysis facilitates the work in choosing the optimal mode. The developed analytical dependences of changes in the main drying parameters (moisture and temperature of grain, moisture content and temperature of the drying agent) along the length and width of the drying channel in tower dryers with suction air flow make it possible to link the main operating parameters, which facilitate the choice of rational drying modes.


grain, drying agent, tower grain dryer, drying channel, suction air flow, vacuum, operating parameters of the grain dryer

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Copyright (c) 2020 Viktor Shvidia, Serhii Stepanenko