Analysis of Non-isothermal Processes in Degassers of Resorption Refrigeration Machines

Viktor Oshovskyі

About the Authors

Viktor Oshovskyі, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Pervomaysk Branch of National Shipbuilding University named after admiral Makarov, Pervomaysk, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8065-907Х


The aim of the article is to develop a method of calculations and analysis of the non-isothermal process of boiling the solution in countercurrent degassers of resorption refrigeration machines (RCM) at different variants of solution concentrations and vapor sampling temperatures. The concentration and properties of the solution change in the degasser in contrast to the flow of liquid or gas being cooled. Therefore, the results of the analysis predict the ability to choose the parameters of the solution and steam to equalize the temperature pressure between the cooling solution and the cooled stream, which will increase the thermodynamic efficiency of the RHM. According to the presented method, the analysis of the temperature dependence on the received heat for the solution of ammonia in water at boiling in the set temperature range is carried out. According to the constructed graphs, it is proved that this dependence is not proportional. The deviation from proportionality depends on the initial concentration of the solution. The largest deviation from proportionality corresponds to a high concentration of the solution. As the concentration of the solution decreases to the average value, the deviation from proportionality decreases. This is due to the fact that due to the unlimited solubility of ammonia in water and the different heat of vaporization of water and ammonia, the thermal properties of the solution change from a more ammonia-saturated solution to a less saturated one. Thus, to approximate the equidistance of the boiling solution to the stream being cooled, it is necessary to choose the initial concentration of the solution based on the analysis of this method. In addition, whenever possible, the components of the solution for RHM with similar thermal properties should be selected. The equidistance of the temperatures of the boiling solution to the cooled stream will increase the thermodynamic efficiency of the RHM. Thus, the developed technique allows analyzing the relationship between temperature and heat of the solution, the properties of which change during boiling. It is proved by the example of boiling a solution of ammonia in water that this dependence is disproportionate due to the change in the concentration of the solution. The deviation from proportionality is affected by the initial concentration of the solution, which must be chosen so as to approach the equidistance of changes in temperature of the cooling stream of the solution and the cooled stream of liquid or gas. This will increase the efficiency of RСM for their use in energy-saving technologies.


degasser, resorption refrigeration machines, concentration range, solution, reduced enthalpy

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Copyright (c) 2021 Viktor Oshovskyі