Results of the Study of the Influence of the Uniformity of the Distribution of Crop Residues on the Sowing Depth and Productivity of Industrial Crops

Maksym Zayets

About the Authors

Maksym Zayets, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Polesie National University, Zhitomir, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2290-1892


The purpose of this article is to raise such an important issue as soil moisture retention during agricultural production. Also investigate the influence of methods and means of implementation of works that reduce the loss of precious moisture and the influence of these factors on the dynamics of future harvests, by varying the technological parameters of sowing field crops, such as seed depth, row spacing or sowing method. It is established that improving the quality of distribution of crop residues by combine harvesters with straw shredders over the field area significantly affects the parameters of regulation and ensuring the sowing depth of field crops and their yield. Mathematical models and graphical dependences are obtained to determine the dynamics of the harvest, and as a result of adjusting the technological parameters of the sowing process of field crops, from the uneven distribution of straw residues. The main indicators of grain harvesters operation and conditions in which they are used, and the influence of relevant factors on the technological indicators of laying the future harvest. The results of practical research have been experimentally confirmed in the field. The three most significant factors influencing the change of sowing depth of agricultural crops are determined - x1 width of distribution of crushed straw by combine, S = 9.54 ... 10.86 m; x2 - relative soil moisture, W = 12..14%; x3 - the length of the particle of chopped straw, L = 8.5 ... 10.25 mm. The sowing depth can be reduced h = 26..38 mm after harvesting by the first machine with increasing spreading width, for the second machine - the depth of seed placement should be increased to h = 36..42 mm, due to the uneven distribution of crop residues and reduced humidity soil.


sowing, straw distribution, earning depth, unevenness, mathematical model

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