Criteria for Assessing the Quality of the Separation Process of Seed Mixture

Elchin Aliiev

About the Authors

Elchin Aliiev, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS, Zaporizhia, Ukraine, e-mail:


The breeding and seeding process requires the use of a variety of seed separators that not only purify the seed mixture from organic and inorganic impurities, but also allow the seed material to be grouped according to the physical and mechanical properties and morphological features. To assess the quality of the separation of the seed mixture on separators and seed treatment machines and technical means, it is necessary to use generalizing criteria. The analysis of literary sources showed the absence of a single generalizing and universal criterion for evaluating the quality of the separation process of seed material. Thus, the goal is to develop a generalization criterion for assessing the quality of the separation process of the seed mixture, which allows a comparative evaluation of the work of separators. Fraction of the mixture - a fraction of the seed mixture, obtained as a result of its separation by the specified physical-mechanical or morphological properties. The component fraction is a fraction containing 100% of the component that corresponds to certain physico-mechanical or morphological properties. In this case, the fraction of the mixture may include different fractions of components in different ratios. To the ideal fraction of the mixture is a single fraction of the component. As a result of the research, generalization criteria of the quality of the seed process separation process are proposed. For the technological process of seed separation separation, in which the fraction of the component is continuously distributed along the line, a distribution coefficient is developed. And for the technological process of separation, in which the fraction of the component is distributed discretely, as a generalization criterion, the total concentration of seeds of the passage and east is taken.


separation, quality, criteria, seeds, mixture, process, evaluation

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Copyright (c) 2018 Elchin Aliiev