Analysis of the Thermodynamic Processes of Internal Combustion Engines Operating on Biodiesel

Igor Bershliage, Leonid Malai

About the Authors

Igor Bershliage, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), State Agrarian University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova, E-mail:

Leonid Malai, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), State Agrarian University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova, E-mail:


Biodiesel is a safe product that reduces the amount of pollutants such as ash, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and other harmful substances. The use of this fuel has been approved by many European manufacturers for use in automobiles. Therefore, it became necessary to carry out theoretical studies on the calculation and analysis of the thermodynamic processes of internal combustion engines operating in pure biodiesel or mixed with diesel fuel in various proportions. The paper presents the calculation of the thermal compression of the engine with ignition, which determines the comparative parameters of the technological cycle of work, energy and economic indicators, the pressure of the gas cylinder of a diesel engine and biofuel. The calculation was based on the improved Grinevetskyi method, which is an analytical method of calculation by correcting the theoretical reference diagram. On the basis of theoretical studies on the analysis of thermodynamic processes of internal combustion engines operating on biodiesel, we managed to find out the following. Engines operating on biodiesel provide a reduction in the average pressure of the theoretical cycle and the effective engine power compared to engines operating on petroleum fuel. This is due to the fact that biodiesel fuel has a lower heat transfer compared with diesel fuel. Biofuels, which contain 12% oxygen, require the least amount of air during combustion in compression ignition engines than during combustion of diesel fuel. When refueling engines with compression ignition by biodiesel, maintaining the projected nominal power will be ensured by increased specific fuel consumption compared to refueling engines with compression ignition operating on diesel fuel.


diesel fuel, emission of gas, combustibles, gas of escapements, tractor engines, excess air coefficient, residual gas temperature

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Copyright (c) 2018 Igor Bershliage, Leonid Malai