Analysis of the Feed Mix in the Hopper of the Feed Preparation Unit

Vasyl Khmelovskyi

About the Authors

Vasyl Khmelovskyi, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:


The purpose of the article is to detect the position of the OZ axis of a point source of permeation of the feed mixture, which affects the effectiveness of the mixing of feed components and ensures the avoidance of stagnant zones in the hopper of the feed preparation unit. The movement of the feed mixture in the hopper of the feed preparation unit provides a screw working organ in cylindrical coordinates (r, φ, z) with an axis z along the vector Ω of the angular velocity of the feed mixture. When the fodder mixture comes from a spiral of a screw in a super-spiral space, a wave forms. Depending on the geometric parameters of the bunker and the screw working organ, the wave formed promotes the effective mixing of feed components and the formation of a homogeneous mixture. The article describes the results of research on the movement of the feed mixture in the hopper of the feed preparation unit. The theoretical analysis has made it possible to establish that, provided ω <2Ω on the axis of OZ, the influence of the point source of perturbation of pressure p’ extends in this case throughout the volume of the feed mixture, and the effect decreases in the distance from the source of perturbation by the power law. The studies allowed to obtain angular dependences between the wave vector and the vector , which makes it possible to ensure consistent mixing of feed components inside the bunker A peculiar type of internal waves propagates in a feed mixture that is evenly rotated. (In this case we consider the feed mixture to be non-compressible, ie, its density ρ is constant in time and space). The origin of these waves is due to the emergence of Coriolis forces and constant feeding of the feed mixture with a screw. On the basis of the research it was succeeded to establish the following. Assuming that ω <2Ω on the OZ axis, the influence of the point source of perturbation (pressure p’) extends in this case throughout the volume of the feed mixture, with the effect decreasing in the distance from the source of perturbation by the power law. To ensure effective mixing of feed components and avoidance of stagnant zones, the angle 2θ should be within the range of 12-19o.


feed preparation unit, mixing rotor, feed mixture, wave vector, efficient mixing

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Copyright (c) 2018 Vasyl Khmelovskyi