Estimation of Ways to Use Crop Production Waste

Lyudmila Kolomiyets, Serhey Martinenko, Levitska Karina

About the Authors

Lyudmila Kolomiyets, Associate Professor, PhD in Agricultural (Candidate of Agriculturals Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:

Serhey Martinenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Levitska Karina, graduate student, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the necessity of recycling of secondary raw materials in agriculture, illumination of ways to use plant-based raw material waste as an alternative source of energy. The agricultural sector of Ukraine is highly developed, therefore, a large amount of crop production waste is generated annually. The production of grain and leguminous crops in Ukraine is about 40-50 million tons per year. In addition to the part of the harvest, about the same amount of waste produced, or by-products of plant production. Therefore, in farms where the growing of groups of cultivated plants is actively carried out, the wide introduction of technological lines for the processing of cultivars and the formation of pellets, granules and others. types of biofuels that can be used in modern fuel systems, boilers, etc. Having studied the world experience and domestic achievements in the field of development of the biofuel market, it is recommended to introduce equipment for the implementation of technological operations for the production of solid biofuels (fuel pellets) from plant biomass of agricultural crops according to the following scheme: large grinding, drying, fine grinding, moisturizing, pressing, cooling, packing. Large shredding is performed by stacking bales or straw rolls on the flatbed moving conveyors and feeding them as loading to the crusher. Large crushers grind the raw material for further drying. The grinding process should ensure that the particles are not more than 10 mm in size. Large shredding allows you to quickly and qualitatively prepare the raw material for drying and further processing in a small crusher. It was established that fuel raw material obtained from plant products does not cause significant pollution of the environment; is formed continuously; has a stable price, unlike traditional energy resources. Thus, today agriculture is a significant source of biomass production of secondary vegetable raw materials. Further definition of ways to increase plant biomass waste is necessary, since a certain part of them must be returned to the soil, and the surplus becomes an important reserve of alternative biofuels.


crop production, straw, stems, by-products, bioconversion, briquettes, pellets, biofuels, energy, renewable energy sources

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Copyright (c) 2018 Lyudmila Kolomiyets, Serhey Martinenko, Levitska Karina