Investigation of the Structure and Microhardness of the Laser-treated Surface of the Cast Irons

Yuriy Kovalchuk, Ivan Lisoviy

About the Authors

Yuriy Kovalchuk, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Agroengineering, Uman National University of Horticulture, Uman, Ukraine, e-mail:

Ivan Lisoviy, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Agroengineering, Uman National University of Horticulture, Uman, Ukraine, e-mail:


The purpose of this work is to study the method of surface laser treatment regarding the effect of laser radiation on the structure and microhardness of laser influence zones in the surface layer of cast iron to improve performance characteristics such as hardness and wear resistance of the corresponding parts of agricultural machinery. The ratio of austenitic and martensitic components in SCh21 cast iron in the structure of the hardened layer is significantly affected by the duration of the radiation effect. With its increase in the near-surface layer and in the depth of the laser-impact zone, separate areas of residual austenite with microhardness H100 = 500-560 kgf/mm2 appear. In the deep areas of the hardened layer, austenite is localized around phosphide eutectic inclusions, that is, in the most carbon-rich areas. Due to laser hardening of high-strength HF40 cast iron with the parameters specified in the work, the microhardness of the bleached layer was 7•103...8.7•103 MPa, and in the laser hardening zone from the solid state for austenitic-martensitic structure - 6•103...7 5•103 MPa. The choice of the hardening mode of cast iron SCh21 and the corresponding structural state in the zone of laser influence should be carried out taking into account the operating conditions of a particular part, since austenite may have a different effect on the wear resistance. For example, with respect to the friction pair of an engine cylinder – a compression ring, residual austenite may contribute to a better running-in of these parts. The use of fast scanning of a laser beam across the direction of motion provides smoothing of the surface relief of the melted layer and improving the shape of the hardened strip, bringing it closer to a rectangular one. In addition to high-power CO2 lasers, solid-state YAG lasers with a power of 400 W and more can be effectively used for hardening cast irons. Thus, surface laser treatment can also be successfully applied to cast iron, used by domestic manufacturers of agricultural machinery parts. This will ensure a significant increase in the performance characteristics of the respective products and will create prerequisites for the replacement of significantly more expensive steels with cast irons in certain cases.


method of surface laser treatment, laser hardening, tempering, cast iron, wear resistance, agricultural machinery parts

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Copyright (c) 2018 Yuriy Kovalchuk, Ivan Lisoviy