Transportation of Soybean Grain Screw Working Bodies During Harvesting and Post-harvest Processing

Vladimir Kulykivskyi, Victor Borovskyi, Vladimir Palіychuk

About the Authors

Vladimir Kulykivskyi, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine , e-mail:

Victor Borovskyi, Senior lecturer of the department of machine exploitation and service of technological systems, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine , e-mail:

Vladimir Palіychuk, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine , e-mail:


When performing technological processes agricultural production the grain is repeatedly subjected to shocks, compression and friction, which is accompanied by damage to the surface and internal tissues of the seeds. The main cause of damage to the seeds is the mechanical action of the screw working bodies of the machines and tools during post-harvest processing, drying and transportation. A significant portion of damaged seeds appears already at the stage of soybean harvesting. The level of damage to the grain during harvesting depends on the perfection of the design of the harvesting machines, the modes of operation of their working bodies, the timing and methods of harvesting, and the physical and mechanical properties of the grain at the time of displacement. The purpose of the paper is to determine the dependence of the grain material injury on the parameters of screw feeders and to substantiate their optimal values. The greatest influence on the damage of grain material carries a gap between the turns of the screw working organ and the screw housing its approximation to the size of the grain particles leads to increased destruction of individual grains. The use of conveyors with a minimum gap between the screw and the housing allows reducing soybean grain damage by up to 0.2% as well as reducing the microscopic damage to seeds threefold while maintaining the maximum productivity of the process. Increasing the travel distance significantly affects the damage to the grain material. During the twofold transmission of soybean grain through a screw conveyor, the maximum damage to the seeds was 1.4 % of the total amount of transported grain. A doubling of the transportation distance led to a significant increase in grain damage, which reached 2.8 %. Damage to soybean grain by screw conveyors during harvesting depends on its humidity. With a high moisture content of the material, the screw working bodies deform the soybean seeds and the seed coat peels off. The decrease in humidity leads to a significant fragmentation of the grains by the working bodies of the conveyors. The optimal indicators of moisture content of soybean grain, in terms of the formation of macroscopic and microscopic damage to seeds, by a screw conveyor, are in the range of 13...15%.


seed moisture, screw working body, grain material, parameters, damage, transportation, soy

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Copyright (c) 2018 Vladimir Kulykivskyi, Victor Borovskyi, Vladimir Palіychuk