Structure, Wearproofness That Inoxidizability coverage of VC -FeCr and VC-FeCrСо, Got Supersonic Gas-flame Spray Method Hvof

Sergey Markovych, Khrystyna Zadorozhna, Halyna Veselivska, Volodumur Hvozdetskyi, Yaruna Sirak, Yaroslav Koryn'

About the Authors

Sergiy Markovych, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:

Khrystyna Zadorozhna, post-graduate, Physico-mechanical institute by G.V.Karpenko of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:

Halyna Veselivska, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Physico-mechanical institute by G.V.Karpenko of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine

Volodumur Hvozdetskyi, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Physico-mechanical institute by G.V.Karpenko of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine

Yaruna Sirak, post-graduate, Physico-mechanical institute by G.V.Karpenko of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine

Yaroslav Koryn', engineer, Physico-mechanical institute by G.V.Karpenko of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine


The wear resistance and corrosion resistance of coatings superimposed with the supersonic gas-flame spray method (HVOF -High Velocity Oxygen Fuel Flame Spraying process, propane-oxygen fuel) have been studied. The coating was sprayed using Diamond Jet Hybrid gun (fuel propane-oxygen) and JP5000 gun (kerosene oxygen). For comparison, the method of plasma spray coating in dynamic vacuum (PSCDV) is used, which provides the highest quality of gas-thermal coatings. Spray powders are made by mechanical alloyage using a planetary mill. The starting components for this were vanadium carbide powder, ferrochrome and nickel cobalt alloy. It has been established that wear resistance of sprayed coatings by these methods is 75 ... 100 times higher than the bases of D16, 3 ... 5 times higher than steel 100Cr6 (HRC60 for friction with hardened abrasive). The corrosion and electrochemical properties of coatings in a 3% NaCl solution at a temperature of 20 ± 0.2 ºC have been estimated and they have high corrosion strength, which correlates with their porosity. The long-term exposure of coated samples in a 3% NaCl solution leads to the penetration of aggressive media into the interface of the backing coating, which can cause subfilm corrosion and peeling of the coating. It has been established that the highest corrosion resistance has a VC-FeCrCo coating, the porosity of which does not exceed 0.5%, obtained by the plasma method in a dynamic vacuum. Its corrosion currents are 2 times lower compared with the same coating obtained by the HVOF method.


spray, coverage, structure, wearproofness, inoxidizability, supersonic gas-flame spray method, method of plasma spray of coatings in a dynamic vacuum

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Copyright (c) 2018 Sergey Markovych, Khrystyna Zadorozhna, Halyna Veselivska, Volodumur Hvozdetskyi, Yaruna Sirak, Yaroslav Koryn'