Development of a Hardware-software System for Measuring the Humidity of Grain in a Stream With an Interface Using the Modbus and Owen Protocol

Roman Minailenko, Alexandr Dreev, Alexandr Sobinov, Alexey Denysenko

About the Authors

Roman Minailenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:

Alexandr Dreev, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukranian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:

Alexandr Sobinov, Lecturer, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:

Alexey Denysenko, Software engineer in Epam Systems, city Kiev, Ukraine, Ukraine, E-mail:


Currently, Ukraine is one of the largest producers of grain in the world market, is quite competitive manufacturer of grain dryers and it does not have modern control systems and process control for grain drying The most bottleneck of such systems is the lack of appropriate requirements for price, accuracy, reliability of devices, which would provide the humidity control of grain drying process in real time. The grain moisture in the stream, produced in the CIS are not used in practice through a low reliability characteristics. The use of imported grain moisture in the stream for most agricultural enterprises are not available due to high cost. The process of grain drying is one of the most energy intensive and important of the entire cycle of storage and processing of grain. This is due to direct costs due to loss of quality of grain and the impossibility of storage at improper humidity, as well as large energy costs associated with the provision of the drying process. As a way out, in most cases, the humidity in the drying process is determined by the laboratory. But when using the traditional methods of measuring grain moisture content, the delivery of the results is nearly 60 minutes, which is unacceptable. This leads to irrational spending of coolants, and in some cases lower quality grain. In view of the above, some enterprises have used the Express grain moisture analyzers. These devices are usually of foreign origin. Even if the Express analyzer grain moisture certified by state standard of Ukraine and proved to use it has the following disadvantages: the presence of the human factor, which can result in delayed measurement of grain moisture; sample may not characterize all grain, but only the part that is in Express analyzer. Thus, the domestic agro-industrial complex does not have a moisture meter grain flow affordable and meets the necessary requirements and terms of validity measurements and reliability . Therefore, the size of the losses, even at the level of individual bakery reach tens of thousands of UAH per season. The urgency of this problem in General, agriculture is obvious.


grain, measurements, humidity, hardware and software

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Copyright (c) 2018 Roman Minailenko, Alexandr Dreev, Alexandr Sobinov, Alexey Denysenko