Analysis of the Capabilities of Volumetric Sensors that are Used in Existing Seeding Monitoring Systems

Yuri Parhomenko, Mikhail Parhomenko, A. Bokiy

About the Authors

Yuri Parhomenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:

Mikhail Parhomenko, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:

A. Bokiy, student, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


The analysis of the technical capabilities of capacitive and optical sensors of volumetric action, which are used in existing seeding monitoring systems, is carried out. A number of experimental and theoretical studies have been carried out to determine the possibilities of using sensors of volumetric action to register the grain flow, which is formed by various types of seeders. A number of experimental and theoretical studies were carried out to determine the possibilities of using volumetric sensors for registration of grain flow formed by different types of seeding machines of seeders. Investigation of the functional capabilities of the capacitive sowing sensor SCS "Niva 23" was carried out with the help of a laboratory installation. Corn seeds were selected as objects of control, which gave the largest amplitude of the pulse of registration. The set speed of the seed in the plane of control of the sensor was determined by the height of its reset. When crossing the seed of the control plane of the sensor at its output, impulses were formed, the amplitude and shape of which, separated by a load resistor, was recorded by a digital oscilloscope of type HPS5 and a camera. The possibility of using capacitive and optical volumetric sensors for registration of grain flow at the output of the seeding machine and at the level of the bottom of the furrow of the drill machine SZ-3,6 was determined. The analysis of the results of the study of the grain flow formed by the coil sowing machine showed that the sensor intended for work in computer identification systems should register up to 350 ÷ 400 seeds per second, the average interval between which changes in range . As a result of the received experimental data, we conclude that further upgrading of existing types of capacitive and optical, visible parts of the spectrum, sensors, as the simplest of design and manufacturing technology, with the aim of using them to identify the grain flow is inexpedient and hopeless. It is necessary to develop sensors of another type, which would provide registration to 2-3 parallely flying grains in the plane of its control.


seeding control, capacitive sensor, optical sensor, grain flow, pulse, control plane

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Copyright (c) 2018 Yuri Parhomenko, Mikhail Parhomenko, A. Bokiy