Dimensional Sizing of Lateral Surface of Wearproof Tool by Electrical Arc

Oleh Sisa, Viktor Pukalov, Vasiliy Yuryev

About the Authors

Oleh Sisa, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:

Viktor Pukalov, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Vasiliy Yuryev, post-graduate, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, Ukraine


The article is devoted to development of the technology and equipment for rough machining of hard-face puncheon's lateral surface with electrical arc as a highly efficient alternative to the conventional methods of rough machining. In order to extend the durability period of the sheet material blanking die, the strong wearproof materials should be used. The hard-face axial puncheons are used due to high strength, hardness and wearproofness. The puncheons are made of the cylindrical hard-face cores, with diameter ranging from 2...20 mm. Then they are grinded. The cores are made of hard alloys with wolfram carbide grain size less than 1 µm, and the 8...25% of cobalt binding content. The cores are produced by the hard-face powder pressing and further sintering in vacuum-compressor furnace. When sintering the cores shrink, followed with the contraction process. The core bending may reach up to 0.35 mm and more. Such curve cores are not used for grinding. Therefore, the problem is to find some optional technologies of treating the hard-face cores for the puncheons. It is suggested to remove the puncheon's lateral surface with electrical arc at the stage of the hard-face blank treatment. This allows removing large allowances of material along with the shortest treatment time. It is suggested to produce the puncheon lateral surface with roughness of Ra = 16…30 µm following rough machining. Thus, the large allowances of material are removed with the shortest treatment time. Here, the treatment cycle of the hard-face puncheon's lateral surface reduces by 1.4...1.8 times. The substantiation was made for the process flow diagram covering fabrication of the hard-face puncheon's lateral surface subject to specifics of the physical mechanism of formation and the hydrodynamic phenomena in the inter-electrode gap. The analytical links were determined between the technological specifications of the process featuring ВК8 alloy rough machining with electrical arc, the processing modes and geometrical parameters. The resulting models enable managing the capacity, specific capacity, specific consumption of electric power and the treated surface accuracy, along with forecasting and optimizing these parameters. The technical solution is offered enabling to expand the processing capacities of the hard-face puncheon's production.


electric arc, puncheon, hard alloy, tool, technology, equipment

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Copyright (c) 2018 Oleh Sisa, Viktor Pukalov, Vasiliy Yuryev