Mechanical Grain Damage

Ivan Skrynnik, Іryna Pisarkova, Mykola Petrenko

About the Authors

Ivan Skrynnik, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:

Іryna Pisarkova, design engineer, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:

Mykola Petrenko, Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, Ukraine, e-mail:


The objective of the article is to establish the influence of various factors on the ratio of the normal to the surface of the wheat grain velocity component after impact on the impact velocity (the analogue of the coefficient of instant friction which influences grain damage). Another objective is the study of the dependence of damage in the process of its interaction with the surfaces of working elements of machines on speed impact with the surface, its tilt angle, material, geometry and grain humidity. It has been established that when the angle of impact of grain with the surface increases, then the normal component of velocity after impact is reduced. It determines the rate of the dynamic load on the grain. Therefore, with the increaseof the angle of impact, the proportion of damaged grains decreases. Under impact loads, the destruction (damage) of grains takes place due to stresses (tension) that occur in the place contact of grains and the surface. The tension is directly proportional to the impact force and inversely proportional to the contact area.The contact area depends on the rate of the elastic deformation of the bodies: grain – surface, which increases with the decrease of the elastic modulus of the surface materials and grains. With the increase in the velocity of impact, the restitution factor decreases because part of the energy of grain deformation goes to its local destruction. At the same time, the values of the coefficients of grain damage increase accordingly with increasing velocity (from 1 m/s to 11 m/s). When impacting with the outside surface of the cylinder, the damagecoefficient of the grain decreases with the increase in the angle of impact and the decrease in cylinder diameter. It mainly happens due to reducing the damage of the shell, as this reduces the time of contact of the grain with a convex curvilinear surface after impact. When the grain impactswith the inner cylindrical surface, the degree of grain damage increases due to the increase in the time of the slip of the grain on the surface. It was established that the percentage of grain damage is the smallest in the range of moisture of the grainsat W = 12.7-15.3%, which can be rational in the case of clearing wheat grains by machines. Reducing or increasing this rate leads to the increase in the percentage of grain damage. Therefore, grain damage during the impact can be reduced by choosing rational technological modes of operation, the geometry of surfaces of working elements of grain cleaning machines and their coatings.


damage, grain, impact, humidity, surface, material, velocity

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Copyright (c) 2018 Ivan Skrynnik, Іryna Pisarkova, Mykola Petrenko