System Analysis of Constructions of Pneumomechanical Seeding Machines for Precise Seeding of Seed Crops

Kateryna Vasylkovska

About the Authors

Kateryna Vasylkovska, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:


The purpose of precision sowing is to obtain evenly spaced field fields of plants, which in this case have the same feeding area and develop in the best way. The analysis of the most common designs of seeding machines for precise seeding of cultivating crops has made it possible to establish that today the most common are pneumomechanical seeding machines, which, despite the greater complexity, are more versatile and less damaging the seeds to structural elements. Pneumomechanical seeding machines can be disc or drum - by design and vacuum or overpressure - by way of air supply. Drum seeding machines have not been widely used due to unresolved issues (sowing machine Amazone EDX 9000-T). The main ones are their high constructional position relative to the bottom of the furrow, which leads to a redistribution of the initial intervals between the seeds when they move to the furrow and a significant increase in their variation along the length of the line. In addition, due to the ineffective removal of unnecessary seeds from cells, they are characterized by the presence of a large number of "twins". Currently, the most common are disk driven vacuum devices, which largely eliminate the disadvantages mentioned above (sowing machine 3P3025AH Great Plains, Quivogne Prosem P, Kuhn Planter 3, Maestra Maschio). They have relatively small dimensions, which allows them to be placed directly above the coulter without the use of seed lines, which most significantly affect the redistribution of seed intervals. In addition, they have more efficient devices for removing unnecessary seeds from the sucking holes of the seed disc and, as a rule, provide a more even output seed flow. Among the disadvantages inherent in the most widespread vacuum seeding machines, the researchers noted an increase in uneven seed seed when increasing the number of seeding speed of the seed disk. The advantages of sowing machines with excessive air pressure compared with vacuum are the additional important air flow functions that improve the work of the machine, namely: removal of unnecessary seeds from the cells of seeding elements and pneumotransport of seeds from the seed disk to the bottom of the furrow with a certain redistribution of uniformity (sowing machine Tempo T of the company Väderstad, Aeromat A for Becker, Massey Ferguson for MF 555). The disadvantage inherent in all seed presses at the same time is the need to seal their seed bins to reduce air losses and improve the supply of seeds from the bunker to the working chamber, especially the Massey Ferguson MF 555 sowing machine.


structural analysis, seed drills, precise hanging, pneumatic machine seeding, advantages, disadvantages

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Copyright (c) 2018 Kateryna Vasylkovska