Parameters Optimization of Combined Valve for Seeds Coulter Sowing Subsoil, Variation Grain Crops

Maxim Zaets

About the Authors

Maxim Zaets, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, e-mail:


Receiving high and stable yields remains an urgent task of agricultural production. When cultivating crops, in particular grains, special attention should be paid to sowing, because the flaws allowed in its implementation can not be corrected, and one of the main characteristics of the sowing is the uniform distribution of plants in terms of feeding area. We consider the determination of optimal shape of the distributor and the process of distribution of seeds combined distributor in the form of curved prisms. From the distributor form depends on the quality of seed distribution across the width of the strip that sown. The uniformity of seeds on the location Shovel width will be characterized by the speed of flow of seeds on a sloping plot distributor. The value of the length of the slope is selected based on the range and uniformity of the distribution of the seed and is 60 mm. The combined distributor can distribute seeds of grain crops at a width of 95-100 mm. When conducting two-factor experiments, it was established that the best distribution index of seeds has a combined distributor made in the form of a two-way curvilinear prism. The design of the coulter for subsoil and spreading of seed of grain crops with a combined seed distributor is developed. During the previous experiments and the search multivariate experiment, the linear regression equations were specified and the most significant factors influencing the optimization parameter were determined.


speed, sowing, distributor, generators uniformity

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Copyright (c) 2018 Maxim Zaets