Experience of the Use of Alternative Fuels by vehicles and Its Effect on the Environment

Igor Bershliage, Leonid Malai, Vladimir Gorobet

About the Authors

І.І. Бешляге, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), State Agrarian University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova

Л.Г. Малай, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), State Agrarian University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova

В.Ф. Горобец, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), State Agrarian University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova


The article is devoted to determining the main technological, operational and environmental characteristics of the operation of an internal combustion engine. Research was conducted using classic diesel, pure rapeseed oil, and a mixture of diesel and rapeseed oil in different proportions. The article provides a methodology for experimental research of the main technological, operational and environmental characteristics of the operation of the D-241L direct injection engine on various types of fuel. The qualitative characteristics of the used fuel are described. In the first series of experiments, smoke emission indicators were determined during engine operation at 1000 rpm and 2100 rpm with various types of fuel. It was revealed that the operating mode does not significantly affect the formation of smoke. In the following series of experiments, studies were made of the formation of harmful gases depending on the engine load. The regularities of emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) gases and hydrocarbon (CH) are determined when using various types of fuel. It was found that carbon dioxide emissions are minimal when using a mixture of diesel (25%) and rapeseed oil (75%) in all engine operating modes. The minimum emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon for this mixture are observed only when the engine is running with a load of 75%. The results obtained allow us to draw the following conclusions. The physic-chemical properties of rapeseed oil differ significantly from the properties of diesel and mixtures. Rapeseed oil is not recommended for a long time to be used in engines with direct injection, since it does not completely burn out. To use rapeseed oil as a fuel for direct injection diesel engines, some modifications are required in their design. When the engine is running on pure rapeseed oil, the gas phase of emissions is higher compared to other types of fuel, which characterize the deterioration of the combustion process of the fuel mixture. Rapeseed oil and its mixture with a diesel engine reduce carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions in exhaust gases at an engine load of 75%.


diesel fuel, hydroelectric power station emission, hydrocarbons, methyls, carbon monoxide, moto-hour, engine oil, physicochemical parameters

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    Copyright (c) 2019 Igor Bershliage, Leonid Malai, Vladimir Gorobet