Justification of Technological Parameters of the Grain Separator

Dmytro Bohatyrov, Ivan Skrynnik, Oksana Yurchenko

About the Authors

Dmytro Bohatyrov, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi

Ivan Skrynnik, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi

Oksana Yurchenko, Assistent Professor, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi


The article is developed the problem to pneumatic-impulsive separation according to density. Harvesting is one of the important operations in agribusiness. Wheat grain is selected according to different indicators. They are all correlated with grain density. Grain density affects the yield and nutrition of the produce. The analysis of modern equipment has indicated a new direction of research. The purpose of the work is formulated: increase of efficiency and productivity of the process of separation of seeds by density in the state of fluidization; reducing energy consumption through the use of pulsating airflow. Analysis of the designs of modern separators indicated the way of modernization of the separator. The authors proposed to replace fluctuations sieves pulsation air. This will reduce energy costs and improve quality performance. To confirm the idea, the authors developed a new separator. Structurally, it consists of two parts: the first creates the required flow of air, and the second - divides the grain by density. The second part is a pneumatic duct with a partition. The grain is filled with a conveyor in the hopper. The flap in the hopper regulates the flow of grain into the pneumatic duct. The channel is horizontally divided by a partition. The partition transmits air. On the partition, the grain layer is fluidized. A pulsator is installed between the fan and the duct. It consists of an electric motor and a damper. During operation of the electric motor, the damper closes the pneumatic channel or open. This creates a ripple of air in the pneumatic duct beneath the partition. The pneumatic duct has two flaps for changing the speed and pressure diagrams. The flaps adjust the quality of the separation. Grain was classified into three fractions. The first fraction is light grains with a density of 1000-1100 kg / m3. The second fraction - medium grains with a density of 1101-1200 kg / m3. The third fraction is heavy with a density greater than 1200 kg / m3. Grain was classified by dividers at the outlet of the pneumatic duct. Experimental researches confirmed expedience of the use of pulsator by setting of him in a pneumatic channel for replacement of swaying motion of sounding board on a pulsating blast. The analysis of existing types of grain separators is carried out. The properties of the fluidized bed and the individual grain are correlated with the design, kinematic and aerodynamic parameters of the separator, with the following factors: random force of frontal force; the presence of ripple air flow; excess and asymmetry of pressure plots, respectively, in the transverse and longitudinal sections of the pneumatic channel; the height of the layer dividers. The boundary modes of operation of the separator and the upper limit of its productivity are substantiated, provided that the maximum technological effect of separation is achieved. The experimental regularities of the influence of the basic geometric and kinematic parameters of the proposed separator on the technological parameters of its operation are presented.


pneumatic pulse separator, density, grain, seeds, fluidized state, pulsating air flow, pulsator, technological separation effect

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    Copyright (c) 2019 Dmytro Bohatyrov, Ivan Skrynnik, Oksana Yurchenko