Investigation of the Movement of Particles of Grain Material in the Vertical Channels of the Pneumogravitational Classifier

Borys Kotov, Sergiy Stepanenko

About the Authors

Borys Kotov, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Podolsk State Agrarian and Technical University (PDATU), Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine

Sergiy Stepanenko, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Senior Researcher, National Scientific Center "Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture", Kyiv, Ukraine,


The separation of grain mixtures into fractions by aerodynamic characteristics allows to increase the level of purity of the basic material - grains, seeds, etc., that is, to obtain a product with a given level of quality. The article discusses increasing the efficiency of fractionation of grain mixtures in pneumatic ducts of circular cross section by determining the rational shape and parameters of the material supply, as well as the shape of the pneumatic channel and options for unloading fractions. Based on the use of aerodynamic provisions, an original mathematical model of the process of moving the particles introduced at an angle to the vertical pneumatic channel was created. The proposed model takes into account the logarithmic irregularity of the air velocity field plot. A number of assumptions have been made: air turbulent mode, the resistance of the particle is proportional to the square of its relative velocity, the particles do not interact with other particles and the walls of the channel, while rotating at a constant speed. Regularities of the change in the speed of movement and the trajectory of the material in pneumatic channels of circular cross section with lower discharge are obtained. The patterns of particle motion in the form of a material point along the surface of the nutrient phase were determined taking into account the air resistance forces, friction forces, humidity and density of the material based on a theoretical study of the fractionation of a grain mixture in pneumatic channels of circular cross section. On the basis of theoretical studies, taking into account the deflection forces of Zhukovsky and Magnus, the possibility of separating particles of grain material into fractions by aerodynamic properties in vertical channels with lower discharge was determined. The use of airflow as a separating carrier can significantly increase the magnitude of the delineation of trajectories and the criterion of separation of grain into fractions. Simplified mathematical models of motion of components of grain material in air separators with vertical channels allow to determine the rational modes of operation of new technical means.


air flow, variable air speed, trajectory, stability of forces, fractions, fractionation process, grain mixture, air separator, pneumatic circular flow

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Copyright (c) 2019 Borys Kotov, Sergiy Stepanenko