Reliable System for Processing Agricultural Products

Victor Popescu, Leonid Malai, Viorel Rotari, Onorin Volconovici

About the Authors

Victor Popescu, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), State Agrarian University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova

Leonid Malai, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), State Agrarian University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova

Viorel Rotari, assistant, State Agrarian University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova

Onorin Volconovici, Doctoral student, Державний аграрний університет Молдови, Кишинів, Молдова


Electro-hydraulic systems are simple in design, cheap, have low power consumption, and have a high level of reliability. they can be widely used in various fields of agriculture, including the processing or processing of agricultural products. The main problem with the use of electro-hydraulic systems is the correct selection of the parameters of the units for receiving high voltage pulses and the size of the electrode system. This work is devoted to the research and optimization of parameters and modes of operation of the electro-hydraulic system, created for processing agricultural products. The authors proposed a schematic diagram of an electro-hydraulic installation for producing high voltage pulses. In the course of research, it was noted that as a result of applying voltage to the electrodes in the liquid, a strong electric discharge occurs, which causes specific physical phenomena. The discharge time is 10–40 μs, and the electric discharge arising between these electrodes creates an antibacterial effect. As a result of the studies, the main parameters of the system of the proposed electro-hydraulic installation were substantiated: discharge voltage, distance between electrodes, volume of the processed liquid, discharge energy in a pulse and the number of pulses during processing. The results of studies to determine and optimize the parameters and operating modes of the electro-hydraulic system for processing agricultural products were obtained by calculation and experimentally confirmed during the primary processing of various agricultural products: extracting oil from seeds, processing milk and fruit or vegetable juices. The studies made it possible to determine and optimize the main design and technological parameters of the electro-hydraulic system designed for processing agricultural products: operating voltage - 15 kV, distance between electrodes - 7–8 mm, optimal volume of the processed liquid - 1 dm3, number of pulses during processing and discharge energy in impulse - 270 J. In addition, the possibilities of practical application of the system were substantiated, allowing to reduce energy costs, simplify use and improve reliability.


electro–hydraulic system; highvoltagepulses; the electrode system;electrohydraulic effect; treating agricultural products

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Copyright (c) 2019 Victor Popescu, Leonid Malai, Viorel Rotari, Onorin Volconovici