Results of the Photosensor Visibility of the Milk Production Line

Viktor Pryshliak, Igor Babyn

About the Authors

Viktor Pryshliak, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Vinnytsia National Agricultural University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Igor Babyn, Assistent, Vinnytsia National Agricultural University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


The aim of the research is to develop equipment for the automatic determination of contamination of the milk line during the technological operation of washing milk systems, which will provide the necessary quality of produced milk that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements. The provision of a high-quality technological process for the production of milk at livestock enterprises largely depends on the washing of milk-milking equipment. Thus, washing is one of the most important technological operations and the level of primary contamination of milk depends on the effectiveness of the washing. The quality of the operation of washing systems is difficult to evaluate and monitor without the use of appropriate sensors and devices for assessing the contamination of the milk line. The studies were carried out on equipment, which includes the developed photosensor for determining the contamination of the milk line. Laboratory equipment operates as follows. The glass tube is filled with medium (air, milk, washing solution). Next, the LED turns on, the light from which passes through the walls of the glass pipe and the medium, and then falls on the photoresistor. In this case, the resistance of the photoresistor is changed and determined using the ArduinoUno ATmega328 device. The received data is transmitted to a personal computer every 2 seconds. As a result of the studies, the expediency of using the developed equipment for the automatic determination of the contamination of the milk line during the technological operation of washing the milk line systems was established. The dependence of the thickness of the layer of milk moving in the glass tube on the resistance of the photoresistor, which receives light partially absorbed by the layer of milk, has also been established.


milking unit, washing system, washing solution, photosensor, contamination, milk line

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Copyright (c) 2019 Viktor Pryshliak, Igor Babyn