Determination of Rational Parameters Pneumomechanical Seeding Machine with Peripheral Arrangement of the Cell and Inertial Edition of Extra Seeds

Kateryna Vasylkovska

About the Authors

Kateryna Vasylkovska, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


Modern pneumatic sowing drill devices of high precision, despite a long history of their creation and improvement, have several disadvantages, the main ones are: insufficient dosing capacity caused by limited seed angular velocity of the disk (Vk ≤0,5 m/s) and the presence of uncontrolled redistribution random intervals between the seeds in the furrow, because of the high relative speed of the seed in contact with the latter during the drills movement with nominal speeds (Vc = 1,5...2,5 m/s). Eliminating these deficiencies is achieved by increasing the angular velocity of the sowing disk and its harmonization with the drills travelling speed. In the article we provide the new design of pneumatic sowing machine with peripheral cells on the seed disk and a passive device for removing extra seeds with inertia method for precise seeding of cultivated crops. A series of studies was proposed for sugar beet seeds sowing device, we defined the influence of dilution in a vacuum chamber of sowing device and angular velocity cell seed disk on the cells filling factor. The design of the new pneumatic sowing machine can significantly reduce the vacuum in the system having increased the angular speed in cell seed disk to the values of seeding device travelling speed, thus provide a constant point of seeds drop from the seed disc at the same trajectory of their flight to the furrows and the qualitative cells filling. To determine the rational parameters and modes of sowing device we used method of multifactor experiment planning. We determined the main levels and intervals of varying factors for sugar beet sowing along with determining the filling factor of cell seed disk. With application of package Statistica 6.0. for parameter optimization - cell seed disk filling factor was constructed response surface and line of even output. Thus, the design of the investigated pneumomechanical apparatus will allow to increase the circular velocity of the cells and reduce their number on the seeding disk, and to a considerable extent reduce the vacuum in the vacuum chamber. The proposed pneumomechanical seeding machine allows to increase the processability of sowing seeds of sown crops and reduce its energy intensity.


pneumomechanical seeding machine/device, seed disc, experiment, cells filling factor, dilution, cells angular speed

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  2. Vasylkovska K.V., Vasylkovskyi O.M., Sviren M.O., Kulik G.A. Analysis of the works performed by pneumatic and mechanical seeding device without using vacuum, INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Vol.56, No.3. Bucharest / Romania, 2018. pp. 25-30.
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    Copyright (c) 2019 Kateryna Vasylkovska