Main the Oretical Provisions of Grain Material Separation in Air Channels with Unequal Air Flow Speed

Serhii Stepanenko, Boris Kotov

About the Authors

Serhii Stepanenko, Senior Researcher, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), National Scientific Center “Institute of Agricultural Mechanization and Electrification”, Glevakha, Ukraine, е-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8331-4632

Boris Kotov, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Podilsky State Agrarian Technical University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6369-3025


The article considers the increase of efficiency of grain materials separation in pneumatic vertical channels by determining the rational shape and parameters of material supply, as well as the geometric shape of the pneumatic channel and options for separation into fractions. Regularities of change of trajectory and speed of movement of material in pneumatic vertical channels of round section with the lower unloading of material are received. The regularities of particle motion in the form of a material point were determined taking into account air resistance forces, friction forces, Magnus and Zhukovsky forces, material moisture and density based on a theoretical study of grain fractionation in pneumatic vertical channels. Using the proposed dependences for the design of air separators, it is possible to determine the initial rate of introduction and the direction of entry of grains into the air stream, which are the initial conditions for determining the trajectory of material in air channels with lower material discharge.


air flow, grain material, Magnus and Zhukovsky forces, variable air velocity, trajectory, fractionation process, air separator

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  21. Stepanenko S.P. Experimental studies on drying conditions of grain crops with high moisture content in low-pressure environment / Stepanenko S.P, Rogovskii I.L., Titova L.L., Trokhaniak V.I., Solomka O.V., Popyk P.S., Shvidia V.O. // INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering . Jan-Mar 2019, Vol. 57 Issue 1, p141-146. 6p.
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  23. The influence of basic parameters of separating conveyor operation on grain cleaning quality / O.Vasylkovskyi, K. Vasylkovska, S. Moroz, M. Sviren, L. Storozhyk // INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering – Romania, Bucharest: INMA. Vol. 57, No.1. 2019, 63-70.
  24. Analytical assessment of the pneumatic separation quality in the process of grain multilayer feeding / O.V. Nesterenko, S.M. Leshchenko, O.M. Vasylkovskyi, D.I. Petrenko // INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering – Romania, Bucharest: INMA. Vol. 53, No.3. 2017, 65-70.
Copyright (c) 2020 Serhii Stepanenko, Boris Kotov