A Methodical Approach to Substantiating the Performance Indicators of the Machine-Tractor Unit Using Energy-saving Technologies

Rostyslav Kudrynetskyi, Viktor Dnes, Stepan Krupych

About the Authors

Rostyslav Kudrynetskyi, Senior Researcher, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Institute of Mechanics and Automatics of Agroindustrial Production of the National academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Glevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7742-7617

Viktor Dnes, Senior Researcher, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Institute of Mechanics and Automatics of Agroindustrial Production of the National academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Glevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4166-2276

Stepan Krupych, Researcher, Institute of Mechanics and Automatics of Agroindustrial Production of the National academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Glevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3697-0987


The article considers a mathematical model for determining the operational indicators of a machine-tractor unit, for determining a rational fleet of farm machines that ensures the performance of work with minimal operating costs and in optimal agrotechnical terms. The structure of operating costs during the cultivation of agricultural crops using different technologies was obtained. Patterns of changes in operational costs for growing crops using No-till and Strip-till technologies. The application of these regularities makes it possible to obtain predictive values of the efficiency of the use of the farm's machine-tractor park even at the planning stage. The choice of technical means must be carried out taking into account the requirements of agricultural techniques for growing agricultural crops, zonal soil and climatic conditions and the condition of the fields. To ensure the performance of works with minimal operating costs, it is necessary to equip the machine and tractor park with technical means that ensure high-quality performance of works in optimal agrotechnical terms. It was established that in the structure of the total operational costs for growing agricultural crops using intensive technology, about 55...66% are the costs of technological materials used during the cultivation of agricultural crops.The developed mathematical model for determining the performance indicators of the MTA makes it possible to obtain predictive values of the efficiency of the use of the farm's machine-tractor fleet even at the planning stage.


technical means, planning of mechanized works, equipment of the machine and tractor park

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Copyright (c) 2022 Rostyslav Kudrynetskyi, Viktor Dnes, Stepan Krupych