Restoration and Strengthening of Parts and Tool of Agricultural Machinery Operating in an Abrasive Environment

Mykola Denysenko

About the Authors

Mykola Denysenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Nemishayev Vocational College of NUBiP of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5474-6399


The working bodies of tillage agricultural machines (ploughshare, plow shelf, cultivator paw, harrow disc) work in conditions of abrasive operation, shock loads and the impact of external aggressive environment. Their repair is to restore the original size of parts and wear resistance of functional work surfaces. During the operation of tillage machines and units, the working surfaces are subjected to uneven wear, which reduces the life of parts and increases the cost of their replacement and restoration. The working bodies of tillage agricultural machines (ploughshare, plow shelf, cultivator paw, harrow disc) work in conditions of abrasive operation, shock loads and the impact of external aggressive environment. Their repair is to restore the original size of parts and wear resistance of functional work surfaces. During the operation of tillage machines and units, the working surfaces are subjected to uneven wear, which reduces the life of parts and increases the cost of their replacement and restoration. The current level of operation of agricultural machinery is characterized by increased speeds and high productivity, which, in turn, leads to increased wear of parts. accordingly, the reliability of the recovered ensure the restorative parts. Surfacing makes it possible to obtain layers of any thickness and chemical composition on the working surfaces of parts; apply a welded layer with different properties, ie high hardness and wear resistance. In this work we use point (point) hardening, which consists in micro-dripping of the hard alloy into the surface structure of parts that undergo intense abrasive wear. The geometry of the hardening point is a spherical sector, which facilitates the rapid removal of heat from the surfacing bath in the base metal and the environment, so the hardening points harden at high speed and in a short time. At point strengthening of details one of the main conditions providing stable quality of process - coordination of welding current and arc voltage. The sawtooth profile of the ploughshare blade (cultivator paws) is maintained throughout its service life. providing effective cutting even with the blades worked. We will fully consider the welding stress and deformation of the steel and tungsten carbide, to ensure the using performance of products. About tungsten carbide, we use the most advanced production equipment and the most reasonable production process during the material selection, burdening, pressing and sintering. We always fully consider the special requirements of different products on the strength, hardness, grain size of tungsten carbide.


share plough, friction surface, abrasive wear, operating longevity, point welding , with carbide coating (with hard metal)

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Copyright (c) 2023 Mykola Denysenko