Influence of Parameters of Disc Coulters on the Transmission Capacity of Cutting Crop Residues in the System of Zero Tillage

Maksym Zayets

About the Authors

Maksym Zayets, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Polissia National University, Zhitomir, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2290-1892


The implementation of no-tillage seeding technology has a number of economic and environmental benefits, such as improved soil properties, reduced erosion and soil degradation, and improved time and fuel efficiency. However, the main disadvantage of these technologies is that plant residues on the surface of the soil reduce the ability of uniform germination of seeds of agricultural crops, which requires the introduction of an additional process of harvesting or cutting plant residues. Theoretical studies substantiate the dependence of the diameter of a single disc coulter on the working depth of penetration of the disc, the depth of the layer of plant residues and the angle of compression. The use of active and passive coulters, which cut the straw by sliding on the working surface of the field. Experimental studies have established that the use of four different forms of disc coulters with a diameter of 380 mm (smooth with the number of teeth n=0, groove depth Δr=0 mm; toothed n=12, Δr=15 mm; toothed n=18, Δr=10 mm; toothed n=18, Δr=20 mm), straw with natural moisture (W=10.1%) and wet winter wheat straw with moisture (W=22.3%) were best cut through. Experimental studies have confirmed the restriction of the rotation of the active disc coulter at high speeds (speed coefficient λ>1.37 and λ=1.58), which leads to a greater amount of cut straw, compared to the case of using a disc coulter with passive rotation in contact with the soil ( λ=1.0). Serrated disc coulters cut straw and crop residues more efficiently than smooth discs. Studies confirm the dependence of straw cutting ability on the moisture content of the material, where the amount of straw cut through decreases as the moisture content of the material increases. Forced rotation of a toothed disc coulter (speed coefficient λ>1.37 and λ=1.58) in untreated soil (moisture 12.9±0.4%, hardness 0.5 MPa, disc penetration depth up to 35 mm) provides 56 ,0 – 69.3% cutting of winter wheat straw of natural moisture (W=10.1%); which is significantly greater than the values obtained during free movement of the disk toothed coulter at (λ=1.0).


disc coulter, speed coefficient; harvest residues; no-till; distribution of straw, toothed discs

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Copyright (c) 2023 Maksym Zayets