Experimental Testing of the Quality of elasTomeric Seals of the O-ring Type of Modernauto-Tractor Internal Combustion Engines
About the Authors
Elchyn Aliiev, Senior Researcher, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2751-6181
Olexandr Chernii, Senior Lecturer, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0691-5829
Yevhen Kalhankov, Senior Lecturer, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4759-66873
The purpose of the work is to study the manufacturing quality and stress relaxation during compression and determine the residual deformation of elastomeric sealing rings of the O-ring type, which are used in the technical service of modern agricultural machinery.
Experimental studies were carried out on a DM-30M laboratory unit. During the test, the dependence of the stress drop in compressed samples of materials on time, the rate of stress relaxation, the magnitude of the stress drop to the equilibrium value, the equilibrium modulus, and the residual deformation after the removal of the load were determined. An approximation of the dependences of changes in experimental data was carried out.
O-rings, used for sealing the coupling of the wet sleeve and the landing belt of the cylinder block in modern internal combustion engines, were tested. The rings of the original production and the substitute (analogue) were tested. Tests showed that although the rings of both manufacturers have visible defects on their surfaces, formed during production, however, the analog rings have a greater number of defects of various types than the rings of the original. The curve of the decrease in compressive strength of analog ring samples shows a more rapid decrease in compressive strength during exposure for 24 hours than such a dependence determined for the original rings. It was also recorded that, with relatively identical ring sizes, the weight of the analog ring is 22% greater than the original ring. This may indicate that the ring materials are different. It was noted that when the studied rings are kept in engine oil for 168 hours and their subsequent compression, the stress relaxation parameters in the analog ring material are characterized by greater instability.
This indicates that there is a high probability that by installing non-original rings during engine repair, the coupling may lose tightness over time. Especially with damaged ring seats.
internal combustion engine, sealing rings, fluororubber, manufacturing quality of elastomeric rings, stress relaxation, residual deformation
Full Text:
1. Gräbner, D., Zahn, R., Schotzko, T., Giese, U., & Lang, W. (2020). Condition Monitoring of O-Ring Seals with Integrated Strain Gauges and Finite Element Analysis Assisted Signal Evaluation. Procedia Manufacturing, 52, 56–60. [in English].
2. Fong, R. D., & Sancaktar, E. (2004). Compressive Stress Relaxation and Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Ethylene/Acrylic Vamac® Terpolymer Elastomer (AEM). Design Engineering. [in English].
3. Laurent, H., Rio, G., Vandenbroucke, A., & Aït Hocine, N. (2014). Experimental and numerical study on the temperature-dependent behavior of a fluoro-elastomer. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 18(4), 721–742. [in English].
4. Lunardi, G., Serrano, M., Tamez, G. (2013). Long Lasting, High Reliability Gaskets for Leakage-free Oil Immersed Transformers. Conference: TechCon 2013. 290391714_Long_Lasting_High_Reliability_Gaskets_for_Leakage-free_Oil_Immersed_Transformers. [in English].
5. Szabó, G., & Váradii, K. (2018). Large Strain Viscoelastic Material Model for Deformation, Stress and Strain Analysis of O-rings. Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 62(2). 148–157 [in English].
6. Cassenti, B. N., & Staroselsky, A. (2017). Deformation and stability of compressible rubber O-rings. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 12(1). [in English].
7. Puhach, A., Chernii, O., & Kalhankov, Y. (2023). Study of the Effect of Stress Relaxation and Residual Deformation of Modern Polymer Materials to Protect the Surfaces of Parts From Wear. Central Ukrainian Scientific Bulletin. Technical Sciences, 1(8(39)), 76–84. [in Ukrainian].
8. Chernii O. A. . (2022). Deiaki problemy tekhnichnoi nadiinosti silskohospodarskykh traktoriv JOHN DEERE. Innovations and prospects of world science. Proceedings of the 7th International scientific and practical conference (March 2-4, 2022). Perfect Publishing. Vancouver, Canada. Pp. 13–20. URL:[in Ukrainian].
9. Dyrda V. I., Lysytsia M. I., Lapin V. A., Ahaltsov H. M., Kalhankov Ye. V., Tolstenko O. V., Chernii O. A. (2020). Dynamics of heavy vibrating machines taking into account instability in time of their parameters. News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. Vol. 6, Nо. 444 (2020), 68 – 74. [in English].
10. ISO 3384 «Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of stress relaxation in compression — Part 1: Testing at constant temperature». [in English].
11. Guma vulkanizovana chi termoplastichna. Viznachennya zalishkovoyi deformaciyi pislya stiskannya. Chastina 1. Viprobuvannya za standartnoyi chi pidvishenoyi temperaturi , 14 DSTU 815-1:2019 (ISO 815-1:2014, IDT) (2019) [in Ukrainian].
12. MAN TGA z 2000 po 2020: Remont, obsluhovuvannia, elektroskhemy. «Monolit», 2020. 796 с. [in Russian].
1. Gräbner D., Zahn R., Schotzko T., Giese U., Lang W. Condition Monitoring of O-Ring Seals with Integrated Strain Gauges and Finite Element Analysis Assisted Signal Evaluation. Procedia Manufacturing. 2020. Vol. 52. Pp. 56–60.
2. Fong R. D., Sancaktar E. Compressive Stress Relaxation and Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Ethylene/Acrylic Vamac® Terpolymer Elastomer (AEM). Design Engineering. 2004. Pp. 261-269;
3. Laurent H., Rio G., Vandenbroucke A., Aït Hocine N. Experimental and numerical study on the temperature-dependent behavior of a fluoro-elastomer. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. 2014. Vol. 18(4). Pp. 721–742.
4. Lunardi G., Serrano M., Tamez G. Long Lasting, High Reliability Gaskets for Leakage-free Oil Immersed Transformers. Conference: TechCon 2013. 290391714_Long_Lasting_High_Reliability_Gaskets_for_Leakage-free_Oil_Immersed_Transformers
5. Szabó G., Váradii K. Large Strain Viscoelastic Material Model for Deformation, Stress and Strain Analysis of O-rings. Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering. 2018. Vol. 62(2). Pp. 148–157,
6. Cassenti, B. N., & Staroselsky, A. Deformation and stability of compressible rubber O-rings. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. 2017. Vol. 12(1).
7. Пугач А.М., Черній О.А., Калганков Є.В. Дослідження ефекту релаксації напруження та залишкової деформації сучасних полімерних матеріалів для захисту поверхонь деталей від зношування. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки. 2023. 8(39), ч.І. С. 76–84.
8. Черній О. А. Деякі проблеми технічної надійності сільськогосподарських тракторів JOHN DEERE. Innovations and prospects of world science. Proceedings of the 7th International scientific and practical conference “Innovations and prospects of world science” (March 2-4, 2022). Perfect Publishing. Vancouver, Canada. 2022. Pp. 13-20. URL:
9. Dynamics of heavy vibrating machines taking into account instability in time of their parameters. / Dyrda V. I., Lysytsia M. I., Lapin V. A. et al., News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. 2020. Vol. 6. № 444 . Pp. 68 – 74.
10. ISO 3384 «Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of stress relaxation in compression – Part 1: Testing at constant temperature».
11. ДСТУ ISO 815-1:2019 (ISO 815-1:2014, IDT) Гума вулканізована чи термопластична. Визначення залишкової деформації після стискання. Частина 1. Випробування за стандартної чи підвищеної температури. Чинний з 01.09.2019 Вид. офіц. Київ : Держспоживстандарт України, 2019. 14 с.
12. MAN TGA з 2000 по 2020: Ремонт, обслуговування, електросхеми. «Моноліт», 2020. 796 с.
Copyright (c) 2024 Elchyn Aliiev, Olexandr Chernii, Yevhen Kalhankov
Experimental Testing of the Quality of elasTomeric Seals of the O-ring Type of Modernauto-Tractor Internal Combustion Engines
About the Authors
Elchyn Aliiev, Senior Researcher, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2751-6181
Olexandr Chernii, Senior Lecturer, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0691-5829
Yevhen Kalhankov, Senior Lecturer, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4759-66873
The purpose of the work is to study the manufacturing quality and stress relaxation during compression and determine the residual deformation of elastomeric sealing rings of the O-ring type, which are used in the technical service of modern agricultural machinery. Experimental studies were carried out on a DM-30M laboratory unit. During the test, the dependence of the stress drop in compressed samples of materials on time, the rate of stress relaxation, the magnitude of the stress drop to the equilibrium value, the equilibrium modulus, and the residual deformation after the removal of the load were determined. An approximation of the dependences of changes in experimental data was carried out. O-rings, used for sealing the coupling of the wet sleeve and the landing belt of the cylinder block in modern internal combustion engines, were tested. The rings of the original production and the substitute (analogue) were tested. Tests showed that although the rings of both manufacturers have visible defects on their surfaces, formed during production, however, the analog rings have a greater number of defects of various types than the rings of the original. The curve of the decrease in compressive strength of analog ring samples shows a more rapid decrease in compressive strength during exposure for 24 hours than such a dependence determined for the original rings. It was also recorded that, with relatively identical ring sizes, the weight of the analog ring is 22% greater than the original ring. This may indicate that the ring materials are different. It was noted that when the studied rings are kept in engine oil for 168 hours and their subsequent compression, the stress relaxation parameters in the analog ring material are characterized by greater instability. This indicates that there is a high probability that by installing non-original rings during engine repair, the coupling may lose tightness over time. Especially with damaged ring seats.Keywords
Full Text:
1. Gräbner, D., Zahn, R., Schotzko, T., Giese, U., & Lang, W. (2020). Condition Monitoring of O-Ring Seals with Integrated Strain Gauges and Finite Element Analysis Assisted Signal Evaluation. Procedia Manufacturing, 52, 56–60. [in English].
2. Fong, R. D., & Sancaktar, E. (2004). Compressive Stress Relaxation and Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Ethylene/Acrylic Vamac® Terpolymer Elastomer (AEM). Design Engineering. [in English].
3. Laurent, H., Rio, G., Vandenbroucke, A., & Aït Hocine, N. (2014). Experimental and numerical study on the temperature-dependent behavior of a fluoro-elastomer. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 18(4), 721–742. [in English].
4. Lunardi, G., Serrano, M., Tamez, G. (2013). Long Lasting, High Reliability Gaskets for Leakage-free Oil Immersed Transformers. Conference: TechCon 2013. 290391714_Long_Lasting_High_Reliability_Gaskets_for_Leakage-free_Oil_Immersed_Transformers. [in English].
5. Szabó, G., & Váradii, K. (2018). Large Strain Viscoelastic Material Model for Deformation, Stress and Strain Analysis of O-rings. Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 62(2). 148–157 [in English].
6. Cassenti, B. N., & Staroselsky, A. (2017). Deformation and stability of compressible rubber O-rings. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 12(1). [in English].
7. Puhach, A., Chernii, O., & Kalhankov, Y. (2023). Study of the Effect of Stress Relaxation and Residual Deformation of Modern Polymer Materials to Protect the Surfaces of Parts From Wear. Central Ukrainian Scientific Bulletin. Technical Sciences, 1(8(39)), 76–84. [in Ukrainian].
8. Chernii O. A. . (2022). Deiaki problemy tekhnichnoi nadiinosti silskohospodarskykh traktoriv JOHN DEERE. Innovations and prospects of world science. Proceedings of the 7th International scientific and practical conference (March 2-4, 2022). Perfect Publishing. Vancouver, Canada. Pp. 13–20. URL:[in Ukrainian].
9. Dyrda V. I., Lysytsia M. I., Lapin V. A., Ahaltsov H. M., Kalhankov Ye. V., Tolstenko O. V., Chernii O. A. (2020). Dynamics of heavy vibrating machines taking into account instability in time of their parameters. News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. Vol. 6, Nо. 444 (2020), 68 – 74. [in English].
10. ISO 3384 «Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of stress relaxation in compression — Part 1: Testing at constant temperature». [in English].
11. Guma vulkanizovana chi termoplastichna. Viznachennya zalishkovoyi deformaciyi pislya stiskannya. Chastina 1. Viprobuvannya za standartnoyi chi pidvishenoyi temperaturi , 14 DSTU 815-1:2019 (ISO 815-1:2014, IDT) (2019) [in Ukrainian].
12. MAN TGA z 2000 po 2020: Remont, obsluhovuvannia, elektroskhemy. «Monolit», 2020. 796 с. [in Russian].
1. Gräbner D., Zahn R., Schotzko T., Giese U., Lang W. Condition Monitoring of O-Ring Seals with Integrated Strain Gauges and Finite Element Analysis Assisted Signal Evaluation. Procedia Manufacturing. 2020. Vol. 52. Pp. 56–60.
2. Fong R. D., Sancaktar E. Compressive Stress Relaxation and Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Ethylene/Acrylic Vamac® Terpolymer Elastomer (AEM). Design Engineering. 2004. Pp. 261-269;
3. Laurent H., Rio G., Vandenbroucke A., Aït Hocine N. Experimental and numerical study on the temperature-dependent behavior of a fluoro-elastomer. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. 2014. Vol. 18(4). Pp. 721–742.
4. Lunardi G., Serrano M., Tamez G. Long Lasting, High Reliability Gaskets for Leakage-free Oil Immersed Transformers. Conference: TechCon 2013. 290391714_Long_Lasting_High_Reliability_Gaskets_for_Leakage-free_Oil_Immersed_Transformers
5. Szabó G., Váradii K. Large Strain Viscoelastic Material Model for Deformation, Stress and Strain Analysis of O-rings. Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering. 2018. Vol. 62(2). Pp. 148–157,
6. Cassenti, B. N., & Staroselsky, A. Deformation and stability of compressible rubber O-rings. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. 2017. Vol. 12(1).
7. Пугач А.М., Черній О.А., Калганков Є.В. Дослідження ефекту релаксації напруження та залишкової деформації сучасних полімерних матеріалів для захисту поверхонь деталей від зношування. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки. 2023. 8(39), ч.І. С. 76–84.
8. Черній О. А. Деякі проблеми технічної надійності сільськогосподарських тракторів JOHN DEERE. Innovations and prospects of world science. Proceedings of the 7th International scientific and practical conference “Innovations and prospects of world science” (March 2-4, 2022). Perfect Publishing. Vancouver, Canada. 2022. Pp. 13-20. URL:
9. Dynamics of heavy vibrating machines taking into account instability in time of their parameters. / Dyrda V. I., Lysytsia M. I., Lapin V. A. et al., News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. 2020. Vol. 6. № 444 . Pp. 68 – 74.
10. ISO 3384 «Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of stress relaxation in compression – Part 1: Testing at constant temperature».
11. ДСТУ ISO 815-1:2019 (ISO 815-1:2014, IDT) Гума вулканізована чи термопластична. Визначення залишкової деформації після стискання. Частина 1. Випробування за стандартної чи підвищеної температури. Чинний з 01.09.2019 Вид. офіц. Київ : Держспоживстандарт України, 2019. 14 с.
12. MAN TGA з 2000 по 2020: Ремонт, обслуговування, електросхеми. «Моноліт», 2020. 796 с.