The State of Machinery for UAN in Ukraine
About the Authors
Oleksandr Kobets, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0009-0009-5334-0133
Natalia Ponomarenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, , ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8263-2914
Yevhen Lepet, post-graduate, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0482-538X
The purpose of this article is to analyze the current state of technical equipment used for the application of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate Solution (UAN) in agriculture in Ukraine. The study aims to identify the most efficient methods of UAN application that can enhance crop productivity. Additionally, the research evaluates the market of equipment for UAN application, examining the advantages and disadvantages of different methods while determining the optimal conditions to maximize fertilization results.
In this article, various methods of UAN application, including the use of cultivators, sprayers, and other specialized equipment, are reviewed. The analysis highlights the benefits of UAN, such as high distribution uniformity and penetration efficiency across different stages of crop growth. However, it also identifies challenges, including risks of plant burns, special storage requirements, and the need for dedicated machinery. The research provides a detailed overview of the available technologies on the Ukrainian market, such as cultivators produced by local manufacturers, and evaluates their effectiveness in different agricultural zones. Furthermore, the study examines the latest advancements, like the Dropleg system, which offers a solution for minimizing leaf damage during fertilization.
In conclusion, the research emphasizes the potential of UAN as a promising solution in Ukrainian agriculture, provided its application is carefully controlled and optimized. The article suggests that future improvements in equipment design, particularly devices capable of simultaneously applying UAN to both the leaf surface and the soil, could further enhance the efficiency of fertilization. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of UAN application technology and its role in modern agriculture.
UAN, fertilizers, application methods, sprayers, cultivators
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1. Authors' team. (2011). Machines and equipment for the preparation and application of fertilizers: posibnyk . V.I. Kravchuka (Ed.); M-vo ahrar. polityky ta prod-vа Ukrainy; UkrNDIPTVT im. L. Pohoriloho. Doslidnytske: UkrNDIPTVT im. L. Pohoriloho [in Ukrainian].
2. Sukhina, F. (2017). Methods and methods of applying UAC in practice. Spetsvypusk zh. Propozytsiia. Suchasna tekhnika dlia zakhystu s.-h. kultur. 22-25 [in Ukrainian].
3. Kramarev, S.M. “et al.” (2020). Economic efficiency of using urea-ammonia mixtures (UAC) in modern systems of fertilization of agricultural crops. Dnepr : Novaya ideologiya [in Ukrainian].
4. Kultyvator universalnyi KU-3A [Universal cultivator KU-3A]. Ahrarnyi portal. [in Ukrainian].
5. Cultivator KPN-5,6-05 with a system for applying liquid mineral fertilizers (8-row). DEMETRA. [in Ukrainian].
6. Equipment for UAS.Обладнання-для-КАС/75 [in Ukrainian].
7. Sprayer RD.05.S5. TOV «Ahromodul» [in Ukrainian].
8. Nozzles for Fertilizer Applications. Lechler Company. [in English].
1. Машини і обладнання для приготування та внесення добрив : посібник / [Колектив авторів]; за ред. В.І. Кравчука; М-во аграр. політики та прод-ва України; УкрНДІПВТ ім. Л. Погорілого. Дослідницьке : УкрНДІПВТ ім. Л. Погорілого, 2011. 152 с.
2. Сухина А. Методи та способи застосування КАС на практиці. Пропозиція. Спецвипуск. Сучасна техніка для захисту с.-г. культур. 2017. С. 22–25.
3. Економічна ефективність використання карбамід-аміачних сумішей (КАС) в сучасних системах удобрення сільськогосподарських культур / С.М. Крамарьов та ін. Дніпро : Нова ідеологія, 2020. 195 с.
4. Культиватор універсальний КУ-3А. Аграрний портал: веб-сайт. URL: kultivator-universalnyj-ku-3a.html (дата звернення: 06.09.2024)
5. Культиватор просапний КПН-5,6-05 з системою внесення рідких мінеральних добрив (8-рядковий). DEMETRA виробник с/г техніки: веб-сайт. URL:
6. Обладнання для КАС. Agroplast: веб-сайт. URL:Обладнання-для-КАС/75 (дата звернення: 06.09.2024)
7. Розбризкувач RD.05.S5. ТОВ «Агромодуль»: веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення: 11.09.2024)
8. Nozzles for Fertilizer Applications. Lechler Company: веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення: 14.09.2024)
Copyright (c) 2024 Oleksandr Kobets, Natalia Ponomarenko, Yevhen Lepet
The State of Machinery for UAN in Ukraine
About the Authors
Oleksandr Kobets, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0009-0009-5334-0133
Natalia Ponomarenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, , ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8263-2914
Yevhen Lepet, post-graduate, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0482-538X
The purpose of this article is to analyze the current state of technical equipment used for the application of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate Solution (UAN) in agriculture in Ukraine. The study aims to identify the most efficient methods of UAN application that can enhance crop productivity. Additionally, the research evaluates the market of equipment for UAN application, examining the advantages and disadvantages of different methods while determining the optimal conditions to maximize fertilization results. In this article, various methods of UAN application, including the use of cultivators, sprayers, and other specialized equipment, are reviewed. The analysis highlights the benefits of UAN, such as high distribution uniformity and penetration efficiency across different stages of crop growth. However, it also identifies challenges, including risks of plant burns, special storage requirements, and the need for dedicated machinery. The research provides a detailed overview of the available technologies on the Ukrainian market, such as cultivators produced by local manufacturers, and evaluates their effectiveness in different agricultural zones. Furthermore, the study examines the latest advancements, like the Dropleg system, which offers a solution for minimizing leaf damage during fertilization. In conclusion, the research emphasizes the potential of UAN as a promising solution in Ukrainian agriculture, provided its application is carefully controlled and optimized. The article suggests that future improvements in equipment design, particularly devices capable of simultaneously applying UAN to both the leaf surface and the soil, could further enhance the efficiency of fertilization. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of UAN application technology and its role in modern agriculture.Keywords
Full Text:
1. Authors' team. (2011). Machines and equipment for the preparation and application of fertilizers: posibnyk . V.I. Kravchuka (Ed.); M-vo ahrar. polityky ta prod-vа Ukrainy; UkrNDIPTVT im. L. Pohoriloho. Doslidnytske: UkrNDIPTVT im. L. Pohoriloho [in Ukrainian].
2. Sukhina, F. (2017). Methods and methods of applying UAC in practice. Spetsvypusk zh. Propozytsiia. Suchasna tekhnika dlia zakhystu s.-h. kultur. 22-25 [in Ukrainian].
3. Kramarev, S.M. “et al.” (2020). Economic efficiency of using urea-ammonia mixtures (UAC) in modern systems of fertilization of agricultural crops. Dnepr : Novaya ideologiya [in Ukrainian].
4. Kultyvator universalnyi KU-3A [Universal cultivator KU-3A]. Ahrarnyi portal. [in Ukrainian].
5. Cultivator KPN-5,6-05 with a system for applying liquid mineral fertilizers (8-row). DEMETRA. [in Ukrainian].
6. Equipment for UAS.Обладнання-для-КАС/75 [in Ukrainian].
7. Sprayer RD.05.S5. TOV «Ahromodul» [in Ukrainian].
8. Nozzles for Fertilizer Applications. Lechler Company. [in English].
1. Машини і обладнання для приготування та внесення добрив : посібник / [Колектив авторів]; за ред. В.І. Кравчука; М-во аграр. політики та прод-ва України; УкрНДІПВТ ім. Л. Погорілого. Дослідницьке : УкрНДІПВТ ім. Л. Погорілого, 2011. 152 с.
2. Сухина А. Методи та способи застосування КАС на практиці. Пропозиція. Спецвипуск. Сучасна техніка для захисту с.-г. культур. 2017. С. 22–25.
3. Економічна ефективність використання карбамід-аміачних сумішей (КАС) в сучасних системах удобрення сільськогосподарських культур / С.М. Крамарьов та ін. Дніпро : Нова ідеологія, 2020. 195 с.
4. Культиватор універсальний КУ-3А. Аграрний портал: веб-сайт. URL: kultivator-universalnyj-ku-3a.html (дата звернення: 06.09.2024)
5. Культиватор просапний КПН-5,6-05 з системою внесення рідких мінеральних добрив (8-рядковий). DEMETRA виробник с/г техніки: веб-сайт. URL:
6. Обладнання для КАС. Agroplast: веб-сайт. URL:Обладнання-для-КАС/75 (дата звернення: 06.09.2024)
7. Розбризкувач RD.05.S5. ТОВ «Агромодуль»: веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення: 11.09.2024)
8. Nozzles for Fertilizer Applications. Lechler Company: веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення: 14.09.2024)