Prospects of Modern Methods of Butt Welding for the Manufacture of Blanks and Repair of Crankshafts

Viktor Oshovskyі, Igor Kapura, Oleksandr Shostak

About the Authors

Viktor Oshovskyі, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Pervomaisky Educational and Research Institute of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Pervomaysk, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8065-907X

Igor Kapura, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Senior lecturer, Pervomaisky Educational and Research Institute of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Pervomaysk, Ukraine, ORCID ID: 0009-0008-1695-389X

Oleksandr Shostak, Senior lecturer, Pervomaisky Educational and Research Institute of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Pervomaysk, Ukraine, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4461-1009


The purpose of the study is to analyze modern productive automated methods of electrostatic welding that are promising for technologies for manufacturing blanks or repairing steel crankshafts from prefabricated parts to replace stamping, forging, and other unproductive methods, as well as to increase material utilization, quality, reliability, and the possibility of implementing these methods at engine-building enterprises. It is noted that the existing stamping methods cause shape deviations when the crankshafts are twisted. And when forging large shafts, due to the need to simplify the workpiece, adjacent jowls and connecting rods are combined with large overlaps, which contribute to a very low material utilization rate, a decrease in reliability due to fiber cutting when they are cut. In addition, there are shape errors in the heat treatment process of crankshafts - bending of the workpiece, which is a very time-consuming and costly operation, “turning the crank arm over” during the settling process, which is determined as the main defect in the shaft shape. The manufacture of large shafts requires specialized enterprises with unique pressing equipment and highly qualified workers. It is proposed to manufacture crankshafts from prefabricated journals with half journals, or journals and journals by modern methods of electrostatic welding, automated by computer control - small shafts with pulsating melting; and large shafts with melting by a controlled arc rotating in an Archimedean spiral under the action of a radial magnetic field of solenoids. To increase efficiency, it is proposed to further enhance the magnetic induction of the field with neodymium magnets. The proposed methods of manufacturing and repairing crankshafts will increase the material utilization rate to the maximum, reduce shaft shape errors by eliminating heat treatment after manufacturing or repair, obtain high quality and reliability of shafts, and automate the manufacturing process.


crankshaft, journals, jowls, forging, resistance welding, rotating arc welding

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Copyright (c) 2024 Viktor Oshovskyі, Igor Kapura, Oleksandr Shostak