Study of Physical-mechanical and Optical Characteristics of Grain Materials
About the Authors
Serhii Stepanenko,Senior Researcher, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Institute of Mechanics and Automation of Agricultural Production, Hlevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8331-4632
Alvian Kuzmych, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Institute of Mechanics and Automation of Agricultural Production, Hlevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3102-0840
Andriy Borys, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Institute of Mechanics and Automation of Agricultural Production, Hlevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2874-7053
Viktor Dnesʹ, Senior Researcherк, Associate Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Institute of Mechanics and Automation of Agricultural Production, Hlevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4166-2276
Daryna Volyk, Post-graduate, Institute of Mechanics and Automation of Agricultural Production, Hlevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0009-0001-1979-861X
Anna Kuzmych, Master's Student, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
The purpose of the study is to experimentally study the dependence of the physical and mechanical parameters of wheat grain on the moisture level and optical characteristics: the coefficient of friction on the perforated surface, the angle of natural slope and the coefficient of internal friction, the coefficient of absorption and reflection of light rays from the grain. The study is based on experimental data on the main physical and mechanical characteristics of wheat and its husks. The method of determining the physical and mechanical characteristics of wheat grain is presented, and the conditions of the experiments are described. The work presents a structural and functional scheme and a description of the device for determining the optical characteristics of grain materials.
According to the results of the research, the values of the studied properties of the material at different levels of humidity were obtained. The conducted analysis showed that with an increase in humidity, the investigated indicators also increase: the coefficient of friction against the surface, the angle of natural slope and the coefficient of internal friction. In the humidity range of 15-17%, the increase in the values of all indicators is almost not observed and is restored only with a further increase in humidity. The values of the spectral reflection coefficients of visible radiation from grain materials and the radiation transmission coefficients from the height of the grain material layer were obtained. In the humidity range of 15–16.5%, there is almost no increase in the value of the coefficient of friction, and with a further increase in humidity, its increase is restored. The study found that with an increase in the height of the layer of granular materials to 10–15 mm, the value of the light radiation transmission coefficient goes to zero. That is, it can be assumed that grain with a layer height of more than 10 mm and grain impurities with a layer height of more than 15–20 mm become optically opaque materials.
The obtained results can be used for the theoretical calculation of the design parameters and modes of the device for determining the optical characteristics of grain materials, as well as for determining the kinematic elements of the movement of the working surface and the processed material at different levels of moisture of the grain entering the express processing.
wheat, grain, coefficient of friction, moisture, optical characteristics
Full Text:
1. Adamchuk, V., Bulgakov, V., Ivanovs, S., Holovach, I. & Ihnatiev, Y. (2021). Theoretical study of pneumatic separation of grain mixtures in vortex flow. Engineering for Rural Development,20/2021, 657-664. DOI: 10.22616/ERDev.2021.20.TF139
2. Aliiev, E., Gavrilchenko, A., Tesliuk, H., Tolstenko, A., & Koshul’ko, V. (2019). Improvement of the sunflower seed separation process efficiency on the vibrating surface. Acta Periodica Technologica, 50, 12-22. DOI: 10.2298/apt1950012a
3. Mykhailov, Y., Zadosna, N., Postnikova, M., Pedchenko, G., Khmelovskyi, V., Bondar, M., Ionichev, A., Kozdęba, M. & Tomaszewska-Górecka, W. (2021). Energy Assessment of the Pneumatic Sieve Separator for Agricultural Crops. Agricultural Engineering, 25(1), 147-156. DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2021-0012
4. Piven, M., Volokh, V., Piven, A. & Kharchenko, S. (2018). Research into the process of loading the surface of a vibrosieve when a loose mixture is fed unevenly. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6/1 (96), 62–70. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.149739
5. Rogovskii, I., Titova, L., Trokhaniak, V., Trokhaniak, O. & Stepanenko, S. (2020). Experimental study of the process of grain cleaning in a vibro-pneumatic resistant separator with passive weeders. Series II: Forestry Wood Industry Agricultural Food Engineering, 13(62(1)), 117–128. DOI: 10.31926/but.fwiafe.2020.
6. Tishchenko, L., Kharchenko, S., Kharchenko, F., Bredykhin, V. & Tsurkan, O. (2016). Identification of a mixture of grain particle velocity through the holes of the vibrating sieves grain separators. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2/7 (80), 63–69. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2016.65920.
7. Stepanenko, S. P. & Kotov, B. I. (2019). Theoretical research of separation process grain mixtures. Machinery & Energetics, 10(4), 137–143. DOI: 10.31548/machenergy2019.04.137
8. Horoshaylo Y. Е., Yarmak I. N. & Efimenko, S. A. (2018). The device for measuring colour. Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Series: Elektroenergetika i preobrazovatelnaya tehnika, 8 (1284), 14–17.
9. Petit, H. A., Paulo, C. I., Cabrera, O. A. & Irassar, E. F. (2020). Modelling and optimization of an inclined plane classifier using CFD-DPM and the Taguchi method, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 77(1), 617-634. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.07.059
10. Pivovarov O.A., Kovalova O.S. & Koshulko, V.S. (2023). Innovative methods of determining grain quality indicators. Dnipro: DDAEU [in Ukrainian].
11. Yefimenko, S.A. (2020). Analysis of the influence of the uncertainty of measurement results on the reliability of colorimetric control. Metrology and devices, 6(86), 52–58 [in Ukrainian].
12. Bilinskyi J.Y. & Skaletska, M.O. (2023). Analysis of methods and means of measuring the moisture content of sticky products. Bulletin of the Vinnytsia Polytechnic Institute, 2, 25–134 [in Ukrainian]. DOI: 10.31649/1997-9266-2023-167-2-125-134
13. Stankevich, G., Kats, A., Vasiliev, S. & Gaponyuk, O. (2019). Characteristics of physical and mechanical properties of spelled grain. Scientific Works, 83(2), 50–56 [in Ukrainian]. DOI: 10.15673/swonaft.v2i83.1539
14. Tsarenko O.M., Voytiuk D.G. & Shvayko, V.M. (2003). Mechanical and technological properties of agricultural materials. Kyiv: Meta [in Ukrainian].
15. Derzhstandart Ukrainy. (1997). Grain procurement and supply. Terms and definitions. (ДСТУ 2422-94). Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
16. Tkachyk, S. O. (Ed.). (2016). Methodology for the qualification examination of plant varieties for suitability for distribution in Ukraine. Methods of determining quality indicators of crop production. Vinnytsia: D. Yu. Korzun [in Ukrainian].
17. Bilukha, M. T. (2002). Methodology of scientific research. Kyiv: ABU [in Ukrainian].
1. Adamchuk, V., Bulgakov, V., Ivanovs, S., Holovach, I., Ihnatiev, Y. Theoretical study of pneumatic separation of grain mixtures in vortex flow. Engineering for Rural Development. 2017. Vol. 20/2021. P. 657–664. DOI: 10.22616/ERDev.2021.20.TF139
2. Aliiev, E., Gavrilchenko, A., Tesliuk, H., Tolstenko, A., Koshul’ko, V. Improvement of the sunflower seed separation process efficiency on the vibrating surface. Acta Periodica Technologica. 2019. Vol. 50.P. 12-22. DOI: 10.2298/apt1950012a
3. Mykhailov, Y., Zadosna, N., Postnikova, M., Pedchenko, G., Khmelovskyi, V., Bondar, M., Ionichev, A., Kozdęba, M., Tomaszewska-Górecka, W. Energy Assessment of the Pneumatic Sieve Separator for Agricultural Crops. Agricultural Engineering. 2021. Vol. 25(1). P. 147–156. DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2021-0012
4. Piven, M., Volokh, V., Piven, A., Kharchenko, S. Research into the process of loading the surface of a vibrosieve when a loose mixture is fed unevenly. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologie. 2018. Vol. 6, № 1(96). P. 62–70. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.149739
5. Rogovskii, I., Titova, L., Trokhaniak, V., Trokhaniak, O., Stepanenko, S. Experimental study of the process of grain cleaning in a vibro-pneumatic resistant separator with passive weeders. Series II: Forestry Wood Industry Agricultural Food Engineering. 2020. Vol. 13(62), № 1. P. 117–128. DOI: 10.31926/but.fwiafe.2020.
6. Tishchenko, L., Kharchenko, S., Kharchenko, F., Bredykhin, V., &Tsurkan, O. Identification of a mixture of grain particle velocity through the holes of the vibrating sieves grain separators. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2016. Vol. 2, № 7(80). P. 63–69. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2016.65920
7. Stepanenko, S. P., Kotov, B. I. Theoretical research of separation process grainmixtures. Machinery & Energetics. 2019.Vol. 10, № 4.P. 137–143. DOI: 10.31548/machenergy2019.04.137
8. Horoshaylo Y. Е., Yarmak I. N., Efimenko S. A. The device for measuring colour. Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Електроенергетика та перетворювальна техніка. 2018. № 8 (1284). С. 14–17.
9. Petit, H. A.,Paulo, C. I., Cabrera, O. A.,Irassar, E. F. Modelling and optimization of anincline dplane classifierusing CFD-DPM and the Taguchimethod, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2020. Vol. 77(1), P. 617–634. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.07.059
10. Півоваров О.А., Ковальова О.С., Кошулько В.С. Інноваційні методи визначення показників якості зерна : навчальний посібник. Дніпро : ДДАЕУ, 2023. 325 с.
11. Єфименко С.А. Аналіз впливу невизначеності результатів вимірювань на достовірність колориметричного контролю. Метрологія та прилади.Харків, 2020. № 6.(86) С. 52–58.
12. Білинський Й. Й., Скалецька М. О. Анaлізметoдів та засобів вимірювання вологості сипких прoдуктів. Вісник Вінницького політехнічного інституту.2023.№ 2.С. 25–134. DOI: 10.31649/1997-9266-2023-167-2-125-134
13. Станкевич Г.М., Кац А.К., Васильєв С.В., Гапонюк О.І. Характеристика фізико-механічних властивостей зерна спельти. Scientific Works, 2019. Т. 83, вип. 2. С. 50–56.DOI:10.15673/swonaft.v2i83.1539
14. Царенко О.М., Войтюк Д.Г., Швайко В.М. та ін. Механіко-технологічні властивості сільськогосподарських матеріалів. Київ: Мета, 2003. 448 с.
15. ДСТУ 2422-94. Зерно заготівельне і постачальне. Терміни та визначення. Вид. офіц. Уведено вперше; чинний від 1995–01–01. Київ: Держспоживстандарт України, 1995. 26 с.
16. Методика проведення кваліфікаційної експертизи сортів рослин на придатність до поширення в Україні. Методи визначення показників якості продукції рослинництва / за ред. С. О. Ткачик. Вінниця : Корзун Д. Ю., 2016. 158 с.
17. Білуха М. Т. Методологія наукових досліджень : підручник. Київ : АБУ, 2002. 480 с.
Copyright (c) 2024 Serhii Stepanenko, Alvian Kuzmych, Andriy Borys, Viktor Dnesʹ, Daryna Volyk, Anna Kuzmych
Study of Physical-mechanical and Optical Characteristics of Grain Materials
About the Authors
Serhii Stepanenko,Senior Researcher, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Institute of Mechanics and Automation of Agricultural Production, Hlevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8331-4632
Alvian Kuzmych, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Institute of Mechanics and Automation of Agricultural Production, Hlevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3102-0840
Andriy Borys, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Institute of Mechanics and Automation of Agricultural Production, Hlevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2874-7053
Viktor Dnesʹ, Senior Researcherк, Associate Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Institute of Mechanics and Automation of Agricultural Production, Hlevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4166-2276
Daryna Volyk, Post-graduate, Institute of Mechanics and Automation of Agricultural Production, Hlevakha, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0009-0001-1979-861X
Anna Kuzmych, Master's Student, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
The purpose of the study is to experimentally study the dependence of the physical and mechanical parameters of wheat grain on the moisture level and optical characteristics: the coefficient of friction on the perforated surface, the angle of natural slope and the coefficient of internal friction, the coefficient of absorption and reflection of light rays from the grain. The study is based on experimental data on the main physical and mechanical characteristics of wheat and its husks. The method of determining the physical and mechanical characteristics of wheat grain is presented, and the conditions of the experiments are described. The work presents a structural and functional scheme and a description of the device for determining the optical characteristics of grain materials. According to the results of the research, the values of the studied properties of the material at different levels of humidity were obtained. The conducted analysis showed that with an increase in humidity, the investigated indicators also increase: the coefficient of friction against the surface, the angle of natural slope and the coefficient of internal friction. In the humidity range of 15-17%, the increase in the values of all indicators is almost not observed and is restored only with a further increase in humidity. The values of the spectral reflection coefficients of visible radiation from grain materials and the radiation transmission coefficients from the height of the grain material layer were obtained. In the humidity range of 15–16.5%, there is almost no increase in the value of the coefficient of friction, and with a further increase in humidity, its increase is restored. The study found that with an increase in the height of the layer of granular materials to 10–15 mm, the value of the light radiation transmission coefficient goes to zero. That is, it can be assumed that grain with a layer height of more than 10 mm and grain impurities with a layer height of more than 15–20 mm become optically opaque materials. The obtained results can be used for the theoretical calculation of the design parameters and modes of the device for determining the optical characteristics of grain materials, as well as for determining the kinematic elements of the movement of the working surface and the processed material at different levels of moisture of the grain entering the express processing.Keywords
Full Text:
1. Adamchuk, V., Bulgakov, V., Ivanovs, S., Holovach, I. & Ihnatiev, Y. (2021). Theoretical study of pneumatic separation of grain mixtures in vortex flow. Engineering for Rural Development,20/2021, 657-664. DOI: 10.22616/ERDev.2021.20.TF139
2. Aliiev, E., Gavrilchenko, A., Tesliuk, H., Tolstenko, A., & Koshul’ko, V. (2019). Improvement of the sunflower seed separation process efficiency on the vibrating surface. Acta Periodica Technologica, 50, 12-22. DOI: 10.2298/apt1950012a
3. Mykhailov, Y., Zadosna, N., Postnikova, M., Pedchenko, G., Khmelovskyi, V., Bondar, M., Ionichev, A., Kozdęba, M. & Tomaszewska-Górecka, W. (2021). Energy Assessment of the Pneumatic Sieve Separator for Agricultural Crops. Agricultural Engineering, 25(1), 147-156. DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2021-0012
4. Piven, M., Volokh, V., Piven, A. & Kharchenko, S. (2018). Research into the process of loading the surface of a vibrosieve when a loose mixture is fed unevenly. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6/1 (96), 62–70. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.149739
5. Rogovskii, I., Titova, L., Trokhaniak, V., Trokhaniak, O. & Stepanenko, S. (2020). Experimental study of the process of grain cleaning in a vibro-pneumatic resistant separator with passive weeders. Series II: Forestry Wood Industry Agricultural Food Engineering, 13(62(1)), 117–128. DOI: 10.31926/but.fwiafe.2020.
6. Tishchenko, L., Kharchenko, S., Kharchenko, F., Bredykhin, V. & Tsurkan, O. (2016). Identification of a mixture of grain particle velocity through the holes of the vibrating sieves grain separators. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2/7 (80), 63–69. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2016.65920.
7. Stepanenko, S. P. & Kotov, B. I. (2019). Theoretical research of separation process grain mixtures. Machinery & Energetics, 10(4), 137–143. DOI: 10.31548/machenergy2019.04.137
8. Horoshaylo Y. Е., Yarmak I. N. & Efimenko, S. A. (2018). The device for measuring colour. Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Series: Elektroenergetika i preobrazovatelnaya tehnika, 8 (1284), 14–17.
9. Petit, H. A., Paulo, C. I., Cabrera, O. A. & Irassar, E. F. (2020). Modelling and optimization of an inclined plane classifier using CFD-DPM and the Taguchi method, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 77(1), 617-634. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.07.059
10. Pivovarov O.A., Kovalova O.S. & Koshulko, V.S. (2023). Innovative methods of determining grain quality indicators. Dnipro: DDAEU [in Ukrainian].
11. Yefimenko, S.A. (2020). Analysis of the influence of the uncertainty of measurement results on the reliability of colorimetric control. Metrology and devices, 6(86), 52–58 [in Ukrainian].
12. Bilinskyi J.Y. & Skaletska, M.O. (2023). Analysis of methods and means of measuring the moisture content of sticky products. Bulletin of the Vinnytsia Polytechnic Institute, 2, 25–134 [in Ukrainian]. DOI: 10.31649/1997-9266-2023-167-2-125-134
13. Stankevich, G., Kats, A., Vasiliev, S. & Gaponyuk, O. (2019). Characteristics of physical and mechanical properties of spelled grain. Scientific Works, 83(2), 50–56 [in Ukrainian]. DOI: 10.15673/swonaft.v2i83.1539
14. Tsarenko O.M., Voytiuk D.G. & Shvayko, V.M. (2003). Mechanical and technological properties of agricultural materials. Kyiv: Meta [in Ukrainian].
15. Derzhstandart Ukrainy. (1997). Grain procurement and supply. Terms and definitions. (ДСТУ 2422-94). Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
16. Tkachyk, S. O. (Ed.). (2016). Methodology for the qualification examination of plant varieties for suitability for distribution in Ukraine. Methods of determining quality indicators of crop production. Vinnytsia: D. Yu. Korzun [in Ukrainian].
17. Bilukha, M. T. (2002). Methodology of scientific research. Kyiv: ABU [in Ukrainian].
1. Adamchuk, V., Bulgakov, V., Ivanovs, S., Holovach, I., Ihnatiev, Y. Theoretical study of pneumatic separation of grain mixtures in vortex flow. Engineering for Rural Development. 2017. Vol. 20/2021. P. 657–664. DOI: 10.22616/ERDev.2021.20.TF139
2. Aliiev, E., Gavrilchenko, A., Tesliuk, H., Tolstenko, A., Koshul’ko, V. Improvement of the sunflower seed separation process efficiency on the vibrating surface. Acta Periodica Technologica. 2019. Vol. 50.P. 12-22. DOI: 10.2298/apt1950012a
3. Mykhailov, Y., Zadosna, N., Postnikova, M., Pedchenko, G., Khmelovskyi, V., Bondar, M., Ionichev, A., Kozdęba, M., Tomaszewska-Górecka, W. Energy Assessment of the Pneumatic Sieve Separator for Agricultural Crops. Agricultural Engineering. 2021. Vol. 25(1). P. 147–156. DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2021-0012
4. Piven, M., Volokh, V., Piven, A., Kharchenko, S. Research into the process of loading the surface of a vibrosieve when a loose mixture is fed unevenly. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologie. 2018. Vol. 6, № 1(96). P. 62–70. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.149739
5. Rogovskii, I., Titova, L., Trokhaniak, V., Trokhaniak, O., Stepanenko, S. Experimental study of the process of grain cleaning in a vibro-pneumatic resistant separator with passive weeders. Series II: Forestry Wood Industry Agricultural Food Engineering. 2020. Vol. 13(62), № 1. P. 117–128. DOI: 10.31926/but.fwiafe.2020.
6. Tishchenko, L., Kharchenko, S., Kharchenko, F., Bredykhin, V., &Tsurkan, O. Identification of a mixture of grain particle velocity through the holes of the vibrating sieves grain separators. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2016. Vol. 2, № 7(80). P. 63–69. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2016.65920
7. Stepanenko, S. P., Kotov, B. I. Theoretical research of separation process grainmixtures. Machinery & Energetics. 2019.Vol. 10, № 4.P. 137–143. DOI: 10.31548/machenergy2019.04.137
8. Horoshaylo Y. Е., Yarmak I. N., Efimenko S. A. The device for measuring colour. Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ". Сер. : Електроенергетика та перетворювальна техніка. 2018. № 8 (1284). С. 14–17.
9. Petit, H. A.,Paulo, C. I., Cabrera, O. A.,Irassar, E. F. Modelling and optimization of anincline dplane classifierusing CFD-DPM and the Taguchimethod, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2020. Vol. 77(1), P. 617–634. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.07.059
10. Півоваров О.А., Ковальова О.С., Кошулько В.С. Інноваційні методи визначення показників якості зерна : навчальний посібник. Дніпро : ДДАЕУ, 2023. 325 с.
11. Єфименко С.А. Аналіз впливу невизначеності результатів вимірювань на достовірність колориметричного контролю. Метрологія та прилади.Харків, 2020. № 6.(86) С. 52–58.
12. Білинський Й. Й., Скалецька М. О. Анaлізметoдів та засобів вимірювання вологості сипких прoдуктів. Вісник Вінницького політехнічного інституту.2023.№ 2.С. 25–134. DOI: 10.31649/1997-9266-2023-167-2-125-134
13. Станкевич Г.М., Кац А.К., Васильєв С.В., Гапонюк О.І. Характеристика фізико-механічних властивостей зерна спельти. Scientific Works, 2019. Т. 83, вип. 2. С. 50–56.DOI:10.15673/swonaft.v2i83.1539
14. Царенко О.М., Войтюк Д.Г., Швайко В.М. та ін. Механіко-технологічні властивості сільськогосподарських матеріалів. Київ: Мета, 2003. 448 с.
15. ДСТУ 2422-94. Зерно заготівельне і постачальне. Терміни та визначення. Вид. офіц. Уведено вперше; чинний від 1995–01–01. Київ: Держспоживстандарт України, 1995. 26 с.
16. Методика проведення кваліфікаційної експертизи сортів рослин на придатність до поширення в Україні. Методи визначення показників якості продукції рослинництва / за ред. С. О. Ткачик. Вінниця : Корзун Д. Ю., 2016. 158 с.
17. Білуха М. Т. Методологія наукових досліджень : підручник. Київ : АБУ, 2002. 480 с.