TExperimental Researches of Dependence of Stability of the Tool on Intensity of Cooling and Modes of Cutting

Alla Lisikh, Bydyrov Vasiliy

About the Authors

Alla Lisikh, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Pervomasky branch of the Mykolaiv university of shipbuilding of the name of admiral Маkarov, Pervomaysk, Ukraine

Bydyrov Vasiliy<, Senior coordinator, Pervomasky branch of the Mykolaiv university of shipbuilding of the name of admiral Маkarov, Pervomaysk, Ukraine


It is presented in article experimental researches of the period of stability of variable many-sided plates of the cutting tool and power when drilling from intensity of cooling in a cutting zone. Such analysis is necessary for improvement of metal working of new structural materials and is of scientific and practical interest. The purpose of work is experimental researches on necessary amount of cooling liquid for ensuring the maximum stability of the tool that will allow to reduce expenses on the tool and will reduce prime cost of the manufactured products. The research concerning determination of necessary amount of cooling liquid for ensuring the maximum stability of the tool and also reduction power expenses is conducted. The experiment was conducted on the machine the processed center SPACE TURN LB 3000EX of Oruma to which the hydrometer in the system of supply of cooling liquid and a stop watch for fixation of time of measurement was built in. As the cutting tool it was used drills with replaceable plates of the following diameters of Ø20, Ø24, Ø28 of SEKO. As cooling liquid Akvol cooling liquid which similar to foreign brands was used. It is carried out to 10 single measurements of a consumption of cooling liquid and the period of stability and also capacities behind each of the modes it is sharp and calculation of average value is carried out. Results of a research are given in a type of graphic dependences that is confirmed by work conclusions. The analysis of the received results is made. Experimental researches are conducted showed that thanks to supply lubricant cooling liquid in a zone of cutting the coefficient of friction decreases and temperature in a cutting zone at the expense of what decreases the stability period to the tool increases. It is also established that at increase in giving of the tool and speed of cutting the period of stability decreases and increases power expenses. Practical application of these experimental researches will allow to reduce expenses on the tool and to reduce prime cost of the manufactured products.


stability period, giving of the tool, number turns, diameter, material of variable plates, lubricant cooling liquid

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Copyright (c) 2019 Alla Lisikh, Bydyrov Vasiliy