Reasoning of Rational Ratio of Arc Length of Vacuum Chamber and Number of Cells of Sowing Disc of Pneumomechanical Vacuum Sowing Machines

Ihor Osypov, Iryna Sysolina

About the Authors

Ihor Osypov, Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Iryna Sysolina, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


Considerable backlogs in upgrading of distribution of seed by seeders with pneumomassage vacuum seedmeters areally feed are contained in reduction of pulsation of size of rarefaction in a vacuum chamber. One of reasons of such pulsation is dependence of coefficient of hydraulic resistance of vehicles on the amount of cells of sowing disk, being in the zone of a vacuum chamber. Influence of this dependence is special strongly shows up at sowing of large seed sowing disks with the cells of large-break, and also in pneumomassage seedmeters with small angular length of a vacuum chamber. Thus, in the pneumomechanical seeding machine of the SUPN-8A seeder, the angular value of the vacuum chamber is 2700. When using a seeding disk with 14 cells that are evenly spaced in a circle, 10 or 11 cells are in the area of the vacuum chamber at different points in time. It results in a decrease (11 cells) or an increase (10 cells) of the vacuum in the vacuum chamber. The condition of being of permanent amount of cells of sowing disk in the zone of a vacuum chamber is set and the priority row of amount of cells is got for the pneumomassage seedmeters of a vacuum type with the fixed angular length of a vacuum chamber. Taking into account the requirement, a priority number of cells of the seeding disk of pneumomechanical seeding devices of vacuum type with an angular value of vacuum chamber 270º was obtained: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, etc. Experimental verification of working hypothesis and formed mathematical model confirmed their adequacy. Quality indexes of work of seedmeter with offer disks higher than indexes during work of seedmeter with serial disks. The coefficient of variation of unevenness of distribution of seed along a row went down from 55-73% to 37-48%. For the pneumomassage seedmeters of a vacuum type with the fixed angular length of a vacuum chamber, rational correlation of angular length of a vacuum chamber and amount of cells of sowing disk it is necessary to count such at that there is simultaneous included of one cell in the zone of a vacuum chamber and exit of other cell from the zone of a vacuum chamber. For a pneumomassage vacuum seedmeter with angular length of a vacuum chamber 270º a rational amount of cells is 16 and 24 units.


pneumomechanical sowing unit, seeds, vacuum chamber, cells, sowing disc

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Copyright (c) 2019 Ihor Osypov, Iryna Sysolina